/Bahas game offline lawas alias old yg bagus seru mari kita save dan lestarikan Link Download nya biar gak tenggelam, ini game yg punya grafis dan visual yg cukup bagus, untuk game old yg kurang tau pasti kapan rilis, tapi yg pasti game terakhir update 2017, dan tentu aja udh gak ada di playstore lagi
Merupakan game action fps yg ada story nya, gameplay sendiri mirip " Resident evil ", lawan di game adalah monster mutasi dan zombie yg cukup susah mati nya. Selain itu jg lawan manusia/ prajurit militer. Selain harus looting senjata dan ammo, player memikirkan tingkat lapar dan haus dg mencari apel & air minum. Digame juga ada scene slow motion yg keren.
Story game sebagai Karakter utama di game ini adalah seorang tentara yg berkunjung ke pangkalan rahasia pemerintah bersama rekan nya dan karakter utama digame ini bertugas menjaga pangkalan dari luar, sampe suatu ketika dia merasa ada yg gak beres jauh kedalam. Alangkah terkejutnya ia saat melihat salah satu rekan nya tewas dan tergeletak dilantai. Dari situlah penyelidikan nya dimulai untuk mengungkap rahasia sesuatu didalam pangkalan yg memaksa nya masuk lebih
sebenarnya nya dari pangkalan itu. Dan singkat nya benar saja ternyata didalam pangkalan itu dilakukan penelitian kejam yg menjadikan rekan nya dan manusia sebagai kelinci percobaan untuk menciptakan mutan, zombie, tentara / manusia yg lebih
kuat dari manusia normal pada umumnya
Game yg cukup greget percobaan pertama lawan mutan yg gede, mana gak bisa lari ,mutan nya susah mati sampe ngabisin ammo rifle dan ammo pistol tinggal 3, syukur lah setelah itu mati jg mutan nya dengan perjuangan yang lumayan sulit
Discussing old offline games which are good fun, let's save and preserve the download link so it doesn't sink, this is a game that has pretty good graphics and visuals, for old games that don't know for sure when it will be released, but for sure the last game is updated 2017, and of course it's not in the playstore anymore
It is an action fps game with a story, the gameplay itself is similar to "Resident evil", the opponents in the game are mutated monsters and zombies which are quite difficult to die. In addition, also against humans / military soldiers. In addition to having to loot weapons and ammo, players think about the level of hunger and thirst by looking for apples and drinking water. There is also a cool slow motion scene in the game.
Story game as the main character in this game is a soldier who visits a secret government base with his colleagues and the main character in this game is in charge of guarding the base from the outside, until one day he feels something is wrong deep inside. How shocked he was when he saw one of his colleagues dead and lying on the floor. From there his investigation began to reveal the secret of something in the base that forced him to go deeper
actually from that base. And in short, it's true that in the base cruel research was carried out that made his colleagues and humans as guinea pigs to create mutants, zombies, soldiers / humans who are more powerful.
stronger than normal humans in general
The game is quite exciting, the first try against a big mutant, who can't run, the mutants are hard to die until they finish the ammo rifle and ammo gun, only 3 left, thankfully after that the mutant also died with a fairly difficult struggle
Info Game
Title : Death Behind
Developer : TWForward
Mode: Ofline
Size: 246 mb
Versi: 1.0 (Last Version)
Genre Action, FPS
Reauirement Android 4.0 and un
PlayStore : Unavailabe
Platform : Android
Year : 2017
Video Gameplay
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