/Nih gw share game offline baru yg bagus, dg size yg relati kecil & ringan, dg grafis, visual yg tergolong bagus , dan dg kontrol yg simpel.
Merupakan game action top down shooter war tank yg mayan seru untuk dimainkan waktu senggang karna punya gameplay yg sederhana tapi menarik yg berlokasi di planet yg setiap planet punya lingkungan yg berbeda-beda. Kontrol digame ini jg simpel, karna auto target ke musuh yg terdekat dan ada power up yg bisa digunakan dg di arahkan ke area tertentu secara manual, power up bisa aktif saat energi disamping bar nyawa penuh, ada 3 slot power up yg bisa di equip tapi semua power up itu bisa di unlock dg mencapai level tertentu. Bagian tank jg bisa diganti mulai dari bagian atas, badan tank, dan roda nya. Semua itu bisa di upgrade termasuk power up nya jg.
Game ini punya 2 mode: pve & pvp, yg kedua mode itu bisa
dimainkan offline.
Di mode pve player bertugas bertempur dg Al sampe batas jumlah tertentu, sedangkan di mode pvp player bertugas menyerbu dan meratakan base lawan & tank musuh jg, mode inilah yg menurut gw paling seru karna ngk cuma dikepung tank musuh tapi jg ditembaki dg rudal dari base musuh.
Here, I'm sharing a good new offline game, with a relatively small and light size, with pretty good graphics, visuals, and simple controls.
It is a top down shooter war tank action game that is fun to play in your spare time because it has a simple but interesting gameplay that is located on a planet where each planet has a different environment. The control in this game is also simple, because it auto targets the closest enemy and there are power ups that can be used by being directed to a certain area manually, power ups can be activated when the energy in addition to the life bar is full, there are 3 power up slots that can be equipped but All power ups can be unlocked by reaching a certain level. Tank parts can also be replaced starting from the top, the tank body, and the wheels. All of that can be upgraded including the power up too.
This game has 2 modes: pve & pvp, the second mode can
played offline.
In pve mode the player is in charge of fighting with Al up to a certain amount, while in pvp mode the player is in charge of raiding and leveling the opponent's base and enemy tanks too, this mode in my opinion is the most exciting because it is not only surrounded by enemy tanks but also fired with missiles from enemy bases .
Info Game
Title: Planethalla
Developer: Whalekit
Mode: Ofline
Size: 222 mb
Versi: 0.2.0 ( latest version)
Genre: Action, Top Down Shooter
Requirement: Android 7.0 and up
Mod/Ori : Mod
Mod: Unlimited Coin & Gems
Year : 2021
Platform : Android
Store : Playstore
Video Gameplay
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