(Mod Version)
(Original Version)
Kali ini Mimin bahas game offline keren, dengan size kecil dibawah 100 mb an dan ringan tentunya, walaupun size kecil tapi punya grafis & visual yg bagus HDR, bukan lah game baru tapi game yg rilis 2015, dan bulan ini baru aja update gamenya di tahun 2021 keren lah dev. Nya walaupun game lama tapi masih diurusin selalu ada update terus...
Merupakan game perang pesawat tempur dengan adanya unsur simulasi yang mayan seru dimainkan, ada beberapa mode seperti mode campaign, mode survival, mode free flight, mode landing. Digame ini ada banyak pesawat yg bisa digunakan, punya kontrol yang nyaman (ada beberapa pilihan kontrol juga), ada beberapa pilihan camera/ perspektif, player juga bisa beli booster / Power up sebelum war, game ini juga mendukung banyak bahasa salah satu nya bahasa indonesia Inggris dan lainnya.
Buat yg suka game perang pesawat keren dan size kecil, game ini rekomend. Untuk dicoba..
Sekian dan terimakasih ...
/This time Mimin discusses cool offline games, with small sizes under 100 mb and light of course, even though the size is small but has good graphics & visuals HDR, it's not a new game but a game that was released in 2015, and this month just updated the game this year. 2021 is cool devs. Even though it's an old game, it's still being taken care of, there are always updates...
It is a fighter plane war game with simulation elements that are fun to play, there are several modes such as campaign mode, survival mode, free flight mode, landing mode. In this game there are many planes that can be used, have comfortable controls (there are several control options too), there are several camera/perspective options, players can also buy boosters/Power ups before the war, this game also supports many languages, one of which is Indonesian. England and others.
For those who like cool airplane war games and small sizes, this game is recommended. To try..
That is all and thank you ...
Info Game
Title: Foxone Special Mission
Developer: SkyFox
Mode: Offline
Size 84 mb
Versi: ( latest version)
Genre: Action, Shooter, Simulation
Requirement Android 4.1 and up
Mod/Ori : Mod Unlimited money, unlock mision,
Year : 2015 - Update 2021
Platform : Android
Store : Playstore (Free Game)
Video Gameplay
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