Critical Mission Space Developer : Critical Force Entertainment Mode:Offline Size: 47 mb Version: 3003 Genre: Fps, Action Requirement : Android OS 2.0.1 + PlayStore: Unavailable Year: 2013 Platform : Android & iOS Multiplayer : Yes via Local Wifi/Wlan


/Bahas Game Offline old yg bagus & seru, game yg punya size kecil tapi punya visual - grafis yg cukup bagus, apalagi ini game rilis 2013 di android & ios cuma beda bulan aja rilis nya, dan pastinya udh gak ada di playstore, ya belakangan ini Mimin sering share game old, karna pengen aja ngulik game2 old mayan lah buat koleksi & biar game old gak makin tenggelam.
Merupakan action FPS mirip CSGO tapi yg ini baku tembak nya bukan dibumi tapi di luar angkasa, disuatu planet, terkadang gw agak salfok karna liat planet lain & kagum sama konsep tempat game ini yg anti mainstream.

Di game ini ada beberapa mode dan bisa multiplayer via local hotspot & online ( lawan player lain ) = yg ini udh pasti ngk bisa ,tapi kalo local hotspot harus nya bisa ( coba aja ), untuk mode offline nya ada 3 mode: classic, team deathmacth, dan survival (lawan alien ).
Yg keren lagi dari game ini ialah kontrol cukup nyaman, gak terlalu kaku, dan masih kompatibel di os Lawas (OS 7.1), padahal ini lama banget rilis.
Buat yg suka game action fps tdm size kecil, game ini rekomend. Untuk di coba..
Sekian dan terimakasih ..

Discuss old offline games that are good and fun, games that have a small size but have pretty good visuals and graphics, especially since this game was released in 2013 on android and ios, it's only been released in a month, and of course it's not in the playstore, right lately Mimin often shares old games, because I just want to explore old games for collection & so that old games don't sink further.
It is an FPS action similar to CSGO but this one shoots not on earth but in outer space, on a planet, sometimes I get a little confused because I see other planets and am amazed by the anti-mainstream concept of this game.

In this game there are several modes and it can be multiplayer via local hotspot & online (against other players) = this one definitely doesn't work, but if it's a local hotspot you should be able to (try it), for offline mode there are 3 modes: classic, team deathmatch, and survival (against aliens).
What's cool about this game is that the controls are quite comfortable, not too stiff, and still compatible with the Old OS (OS 7.1), even though it took a very long time to release.
For those who like small size fps tdm action games, this game is recommended. To try..
That is all and thank you ..

Title: Critical Mission Space
Developer : Critical Force Entertainment
Size: 47 mb
Version: 3003
Genre: Fps, Action
Requirement : Android OS 2.0.1 +
PlayStore: Unavailable
Year: 2013
Platform : Android & iOS
Multiplayer : Yes via Local Wifi/Wlan

Video Gameplay

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