Legend Of Ainumara Alpha Developer: Трефилов Михаил Mode: Offline Size : 757 mb Versi: 0.002 ( latest version) Genre: Adventure, OpenWorld, Survival, Action Requirement: Oreo+ Status Game: Alpha Test Store : Playstore (Free Game) Year : 2022

Game baru yg masih tahap alpha, mimin sekedar share aja nih rilisan tahun 2022 sekarang game perlu spek tinggi untuk kompatibel dan size mayan gede loh harap pertimbangan lagi cek device kalian dulu ada di playstore apa ngga,.

Dan dikarenakan masih baru cek di YouTube sih masih 1 doank yg review, mimin liat gameplay nya game nya keren grafis nya tapi diliat liat masih kurang smooth mungkin game agak berat belum semua optimal
Yg pasti game ini ada misi nya dan story nya, ada banyak lagi yg bisa lakukan digame ini..
Buat yg mau nyoba game bisa langsung ke play store/ klik link yg sudah sediain di awal page.
Sekian dan terimakasih...

Info Game
Nama Game: Legend Of Ainumara Alpha
Developer: Трефилов Михаил
Mode: Offline
Size : 757 mb
Versi: 0.002 ( latest version)
Genre: Adventure, OpenWorld, Survival, Action
Requirement: Oreo+
Status Game: Alpha Test
Store : Playstore (Free Game)
Year : 2022
Platform : Android
Rating : 4 from 5

A new game that is still in the alpha stage, Mimin is just sharing it's release in 2022, now the game needs high specs to be compatible and the size is big, please consider checking your device first if it's in the Playstore or not.

And because I just checked on YouTube, there's still only 1 review, Mimin saw the gameplay, the game is cool, the graphics are still not smooth, maybe the game is a bit heavy, not all optimal
What is certain is that this game has a mission and a story, there is much more that can be done in this game..
For those who want to try the game, you can go directly to the play store / click the link provided at the beginning of the page.
That is all and thank you...


Video Gameplay

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