Info Game
Title : Bishojo battlefield
Genre : Survival, Shooter
Mode : Offline
Year : 2022
Size : 200mb APK full
Platform : Android
Store : Taptap
Here for those of you who are looking for an offline shooter game. still new and still in the demo stage. quite fun.
The name of the game is bishojo battlefield
full size 200 mb
It can only be downloaded on tap.
If you want to see the gameplay, you can check below:
/Nih buat kalian yg nyari game offline shooter. masih baru dan msh tahap demo. lumayan seru.
Nama gamenya bishojo battlefield
full size 200 mb
Cuma bisa di download di taptap aja.
klo mo liat dlu gameplay bisa cek dibawah ini :
Video Gameplay
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