Discuss new good offline games, unique and interesting games with good visuals and graphics. New game released last month
It's an arcade, puzzle, side scrolling platformer and has a story too, what's unique about this game is that it has a knitted visual style, reminds me of the PSP game about the adventures of a woolen cloth doll (similar to Little big planet) game with a beautiful backsound. suitable to be played when relaxing, especially the good hand-drawn illustrations. The delivery of the story is also interesting, namely from a story book in the form of text which will be read by the narrator very expressively which makes the player comfortable listening to it.
The beginning of the story in this game, tells about 2 figures of cloth pieces named George & Samantha a pair of lovers who are the same creatures of cloth pieces of course, one time when they were together suddenly a strong wind blew and blew Samantha very far and separated them, George feeling very lost, sad, and heartbroken, from there the adventure of George looking for his soulmate so that they can be together again, on george's journey it is not easy because he (the player) will be faced with various obstacles and puzzles that are not easy, that's how it is Struggle is never easy and will definitely face difficulties. In this game George can split into 2 after picking up the hanging blue thread ball, this ability will help him solve puzzles, besides that the player must also take all the letters that exist to complete the story. It's a game that was released in early 2022, so if you like Mimin, I recommend it.
/Bahas game offline baru yg bagus, game yg unik & menarik dengan visual & grafis yg bagus. Game yg baru rilis bulan
Merupakan game arcade, puzzle, platformer side scrolling dan ada story nya juga, unik nya dari game ini adalah punya gaya visual ala rajutan kain, mengingatkan gw sama game PSP tentang petualangan sebuah boneka kain wol (mirip Little big planet) game dengan backsound yg indah cocok dimainkan saat santai, apalagi ilustrasi gambar yg bagus hasil tangan. Untuk penyampaian cerita juga menarik yaitu dari buku cerita yg berupa teks yg akan dibacakan narator nya dengan sangat ekspresif yg bikin player nyaman menyimak nya.
Awal mula cerita dalam game ini, menceritakan tentang 2 tokoh potongan kain yg bernama George & Samantha sepasang kekasih yg sama sama mahluk potongan kain tentu nya, suatu ketika saat mereka bersama tiba2 ada angin yg bertiup kencang dan meniup samantha sangat jauh dan memisahkan mereka, George merasa sangat kehilangan, bersedih, dan patah hati, mulai dari situ lah petualangan George yg mencari belahan hatinya agar bisa bersama kembali, dalam perjalanan george tidaklah mudah karna dia ( player) akan dihadapkan berbagai rintangan dan teka-teki yg tidak mudah, ya seperti itulah perjuangan tidak pernah mudah dan pasti akan berhadapan dg kesulitan. Dalam game ini George bisa membelah jadi 2 setelah mengambil bola benang biru yg menggantung, kemampuan ini akan membantunya memecahkan teka-teki , selain itu player jg harus mengambil semua huruf2 yg ada untuk melengkapi cerita. Tergolong game yang rilis awal tahun 2022 so jika kalian suka Mimin Rekomendasikan.
Title: Where's Samantha ?
Developer ROKiT
Mode: Offline
Size: 397 mb
Version:1.0 ( latest version )
Genre: Puzzle, Platformer
Requirement: Android 7.1 and up
Year : 2022
Store : Playstore (Free Game)
Platform : Android,iOS
Video Gameplay
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