Unreal Life Game Android Offline 300mb APK Puzzle Point n Click

UniLife adalah game seru abis yang ngikutin petualangan misterius Hal, cewek yang bangun di tengah jalan tanpa ingatan. Kita harus kumpulin ingatan- ingatannya buat ngebongkar misteri apa yang terjadi sama dia. Satu-satunya yang pasti cuma Miss Sakura, wanita yang Hal rasain ada di sana sebelum dia lupa ingatan. Hal bingung banget, dia gak tau di mana dia, atau apa yang udah terjadi. Disini lah kita mulai ceritanya. Kita juga gak tau apa yang terjadi. Dari usaha ngenal lokasi dan mencoba cari tahu sekitarnya, Hal ngeh kalau beberapa objek bisa bantu dia liat masa lalu. Hal bisa sentuh objek trus beralih antara sekarang sama masa lalu buat ngebongkar apa yang udah terjadi. Ceritanya seru banget, enggak pernah bikin bosen. Rasanya kayak lagi mimpi, melayang di kota buat cari jalan keluar. Dunia gamenya luas banget, gambarannya kayak scrolling samping gitu. Hal dapet pesan kilatan kenangan, kilatan kenangan itu ada kata-kata berwarna merah. Dia hampir kebingungan di dunianya sendiri di mana beberapa objek bikin petunjuk sulit buat dimengerti. Apakah dia diculik? Apakah dia bunuh seseorang? Ada kecelakaan mobil? Dia yang nyetir atau yang ketabrak? Atau semuanya bisa dijelasain kalo kita temuin lebih banyak informasi. Saat kita susun petunjuk dan ketemu orang lain yang bisa bantu, sebuah chapter dari ceritanya mulai terbentuk. Tapi, Unreal Life pinter banget dalam ngasih cerita secara detil. Hanya petunjuk- petunjuk berikutnya dari Hal yang harus kita susun. Unreal Life adalah game indie yang keren banget, penuh cerita, petualangan, penemuan, dan lampu

/UniLife is a really exciting game that follows the mysterious adventure of Hal, a girl who wakes up in the middle of the road with no memory. We have to gather her memories to unravel the mystery of what happened to her. The only thing certain is Miss Sakura, the woman Hal feels was there before she lost her memory. Hal is very confused, she doesn't know where she is, or what has happened. This is where the story begins. We also don't know what happened. Through trying to familiarize with the location and exploring her surroundings, Hal realizes that some objects can help her see the past. Hal can touch the objects and switch between the present and the past to uncover what has happened. The story is really exciting, never boring. It feels like being in a dream, floating in the city to find a way out. The game world is vast, with a side-scrolling view. Hal receives flashes of memory, flashes of memory that have red-colored words. She is almost confused in her own world where some objects create difficult clues to understand. Was she kidnapped? Did she kill someone? Was there a car accident? Was she the one driving or the one hit? Or everything can be explained if we find more information. As we piece together clues and meet others who can help, a chapter of the story begins to form. But Unreal Life is really smart in giving detailed stories. Only the next clues from Hal that we have to piece together. Unreal Life is a really cool indie game, full of story, adventure, discovery, and light.


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