Gw salah prediksi pas mau main game ini, kirain gameplaynya kaya Dungeon Hunter. Ternyata jauh banget dari dugaan gw, gameplaynya mirip game Lord of The Fallen atau Infinity Blade, dua-duanya game legendaris di IOS. Sistem battle di game ini pake turn-based. Buat nyerang, player harus tap dan swipe ke arah musuh pas di timing yang tepat, ke area musuh yang warnanya ijo. Kalo serangan player kena area merah yang gerak-gerak, musuh bakal ngindarin serangannya. Nanti pas level player naik, player bakal dapet magic buat tambahan command. Magic diaktifin dengan nggambar simbol tertentu di layar sesuai elemen magicnya. Buat ngaktifin magic, player harus kumpulin sinar biru yang keluar dari musuh pas musuh diserang kita. Banyak banget command yang bakal player jumpai dalam game ini meski gameplaynya agak monoton. Misalnya kalo musuh ngejatuhin serangan magic, player bakal disuruh tekan beberapa lingkaran yang ada simbol acak di dalamnya. Buat hindarin serangan magic, player harus tekan simbolnya berurutan. Ceritanya game ini menarik banget, ala medieval gitu. Ceritanya pas monster tiba-tiba muncul di berbagai belahan dunia yang dipimpin sama Sang Raja kegelapan. Player sebagai pahlawan dari Scorpion harus berjuang buat bebaskan wilayah dari ancaman monster. Di awal game, player bisa pilih salah satu dari 6 hero yang udah ada.
/I was wrong in predicting when I wanted to play this game, I thought the gameplay was like Dungeon Hunter. It turns out it's far from my assumptions, the gameplay is similar to games like Lord of The Fallen or Infinity Blade, both of which are legendary games on IOS. The battle system in this game is turn-based. To attack, the player must tap and swipe towards the enemy at the right timing, to the enemy's green area. If the player's attack hits the moving red area, the enemy will dodge the attack. As the player levels up, they will receive magic for additional commands. Magic is activated by drawing specific symbols on the screen according to its magic element. To activate magic, the player must collect the blue light that comes out of the enemy when they are attacked. There are many commands that players will encounter in this game even though the gameplay is somewhat monotonous. For example, if the enemy drops a magic attack, the player will be asked to press several circles with random symbols inside them. To avoid magic attacks, the player must press the symbols in order. The story of this game is very interesting, medieval style. The story goes that monsters suddenly appear in various parts of the world led by the Dark King. The player as the hero of Scorpion must fight to free the region from the threat of monsters. At the beginning of the game, the player can choose one of the 6 existing heroes.
Video Gameplay
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