Bahas Lengkap Ending Game Street Of Rage 4

Diluar dugaan stagenya Iumyan banyak juga, total ada 12, belum
termasuk DLC
Awal ngira nih game bkalan monoton, seprti game- game bergenre beat em up lainnya, tapi nyatanya cukup gk bkin bosen sih.. banyak combo yg bsa dipelajari

Terakhir kali pas ending ngeliat ada tulisan "thanks for playing" dan sekarang ketika ucapan itu muncul kmbali.. ada prasaan bangga dan gamenya rekomendasikan.

Unexpectedly, there are too many stages, a total of 12, not yet
including DLC
At first, I thought this game would be monotonous, like other beat em up genre games, but in fact it's not enough to make me bored... lots of combos that can be learned

The last time I saw the ending, I saw the words "thanks for playing" and now when the words appear again.. there is a feeling of pride and the game is recommended.

Platforms: Android, i0S, PC, XBOX ONE, PS4, SWITCH

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Info Game
Title : Street Of Rage 4
Genre : Arcade , Beat'em up
Dev/Pub : Playdigious
Year : 2022
Store : Playstore (Paid Game)
Platform : Android, iOS, Switch, PC,
Size : 638mb
Mode : Offline
Rating : 4.7 / 5
Multiplayer : Yes (after new update)

Screenshot :

Street Of Rage 4

Arcade Game baru android yang rilis tahun sekarang 2022 sudah tersedia di Playstore squel atau lanjutan dari judul series game Street Of Rage dulu awalnya ini game hadir di mesin arkade yang kebanyakan jenis game Beat 'em up action.

Berlatar pada game baru ini mirip penggambaran komik agak berbeda dari series sebelumnya, tapi tenang gameplay ya masih sama dengan aksi baku hantam yang epic , so buat kalian yang suka jenis game ini atau mau melanjutkan series game yang cukup populer di mesin arkade dulu bisa kalian mainkan series ke 4 terbaru ini di Android.

Pada versi pertama ini fitur multiplayer masih belum bisa dimainkan nanti saat update ke 2 segera ada hal yang menjadi seru saat mabar sama teman-teman.

The new Android Arcade Game released in 2022 is now available on the Playstore sequel or continuation of the Street Of Rage game series title, originally this game was available on arcade machines, mostly Beat 'em up action games.

Set in this new game, it is similar to a comic depiction, somewhat different from the previous series, but calm down, the gameplay is still the same as the epic scuffle, so for those of you who like this type of game or want to continue the game series that was quite popular on arcade machines, you can play it. the latest 4th series on Android.

In this first version, the multiplayer feature still can't be played later when the 2nd update, soon there are things that become exciting when hanging out with friends.

Streets of Rage 4 takes forward the Streets of Rage legacy in this retro beat'em up with hand-drawn comic inspired graphics and updated mechanics.

Streets of Rage comes back for a sequel 25 years after the last episode : a new crime syndicate seems to have taken control of the streets and corrupted the police. All you have to fight against them is your friends... and your fists ! Critically acclaimed, Streets of Rage 4 won several awards and nominated as Best Action Games at the 2020 Game Awards.

- Rediscover the classic Beat em up Streets of Rage Franchise with new fight mechanics
- Get thrilled by the Retro hand-drawn comics-inspired artistic direction by the studio behind Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap serving juicy animations & vivid FX
- Unlock up to 5 new & emblematic playable characters and fight your way through 12 various stages to bring back order to the streets
- Challenge yourself in different modes : Story, Training, Arcade...
- Listen to a new Electro OST with world class musicians such as Olivier Derivière and legend Yuzo Koshiro
- Get retro with up to 13 alternative retro characters, secret retro levels or choose the SoR1&2 OST and enable the Retro Pixel graphics !

Video Gameplay

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