Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Xperia Play Mame4droid Arcade Engine Emulator

It is an Arcade Action Beat em'up game, the original release Version of Arcade / Mame Arcade Game Machine played on Android with the Mame4droid emulator by chance there is a Sony HP Old school game Mimin made a Retro Mobile Game Handheld (Handheld Retro Portable) Install Retro Emulator Games Like Mame4drod, Epsxe, ppsspp ,sega,nes.emu, etc. are pretty good, but not all games work. Heavy games like Metal Gear solid God of War can't lag, just light games, that's a bit of this Xperia Play review

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the game tells of 4 friends (with various skills or abilities that are different from the 4 characters) set in the year 2513 eradicating gangs / bad guys & mutants who mutated into dinosaurs / monsters, it turns out that the masterminds of this act are all crazy scientists, coincidentally yesterday Mimin played this game again and it's over again.. just for nostalgia. Old Dingdong was a kind of Captain Commando, Street of Rage, Double dragon games. This is Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, one of the best arcade games that I recommend with a story.

/Merupakan game Arcade Action Beat em'up rilis asli Versi Dingdong / Mame Mesin Game Arcade dimainkan di Android dengan emulator Mame4droid kebetulan ada Sony HP Jadul Game mimin jadikan HP Retro Game Genggam (Handheld Retro Portabel) Install Game Emulator Retro Seperti Mame4drod, Epsxe, ppsspp,sega,nes.emu dll lumayan ngangkat tapi tidak semua game work kalo game Yang berat macam Metal Gear solid god of War ya gak bisa bakalan Lag , cukup game ringan saja, begitulah sedikit Review Xperia Play ini

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Bahas Story Game ini
gamenya menceritakan 4 sekawan (Dengan Berbagai keahlian atau ability skill yang berbeda dari 4 karakternya) bersetting di tahun 2513 memberantas gang / orang jahat & mutan yang bermutasi menjadi Dinosaurus / monster ternyata dalang dari ulah itu semua ilmuan gila, kebetulan kemarin Mimin mainkan ini game lagi dan sudah tamat lagi.. untuk sekedar nostalgia Dingdong Jaman dulu sejenis game Captain Comando, Street of Rage, Double dragon. ini Cadillacs & Dinosaurus salahsatunya game arcade terbaik yang mimin rekomendasikan ada  Story kisahnya.

Emulator mame4droid


Cadillacs & Dini Roms

Cara install :

1. Download file Rom 

2. Copy atau salin file Rom game ke folder penyimpanan Rom mame4droid kalian Mimin letaknya di sdcard/mame4droid/Rom
(Letak Rom game bebas sesuai pilihan pas kita install awal emulator mame4droid nya)

/Copy or copy the game Rom file to your mame4droid Rom storage folder Mimin is located on sdcard/mame4droid/Rom
(Locate the free game Rom according to the choice when we first install the Mame4droid emulator)

3. open aplikasi mame4droid

(Contoh beberapa game Rom yang telah tampil jika sudah tepat meletakan file game Rom mame4droid nya)

/(Examples of some Rom games that have appeared if it is right to place the Mame4droid Rom game file)

4. Lalu klik atau mulai dengan menekan tombol button B

/Then click or start by pressing the button B

5. Mulai gerakan analog kiri kanan dan enjoy kalian bisa memainkan game arcade mame4droid emulator

/Start left and right analog movement and enjoy you can play the arcade game mame4droid emulator

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