/Bahas Game Versus / Fighting yang kali ini dari Series "Shadow Fight"
Pada series Terbaru ke 3 seakan hilang jati diri dimana Series sebelumnya menjadi ciri khas game bertarung dengan karakter Shadow atau Bayangan bisa diliat di gambar selanjutnya... perbedaan series ke 3 dan ke 2
memang perubahan yang terjadi pada series terbaru sangat banyak perubahan yakni karakter yang tidak lagi berwujud Shadow atau Bayangan. menurut Mimin sangat disayangkan cirikhas game menjadi bukan lagi pertarungan Shadow Fighting Game melainkan Pertarungan Seperti Hal biasanya saja seperti Judul" Fighting Game yang sudah Terkenal Misal, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, King Of Fighter, Tekken dll
Secara Grafis series ke 3 memang lebih baik dan gaya bertarungnya cukup realistis tapi feel nya memang lebih seru yang ke 2 menurut mimin ada uniknya gitu pertarungan karakter Shadow tapi kembali lagi sesuai selera masing" untuk ke dua gamenya masih ada di Playstore dan selalu ada Update.
oke sekian pembahasan kali ini.
Discuss the Versus / Fighting Game this time from the "Shadow Fight" Series
In the 3rd latest series, it seems as if the identity is lost where the previous series was a characteristic of fighting games with Shadow characters or Shadows can be seen in the next picture... the difference between the 3rd and 2nd series
indeed the changes that have occurred in the latest series are very many changes, namely characters that are no longer in the form of Shadow or Shadow. According to Mimin, it's unfortunate that the game's characteristics are no longer a Shadow Fighting Game, but a fight as usual, such as the title "Fighting Game that is already well known, for example Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, King Of Fighter, Tekken etc.
Graphically, the 3rd series is better and the fighting style is quite realistic, but the feel is indeed more exciting, the 2nd one according to the admin, there is something unique about the Shadow character battle, but it comes back to each other's tastes "for the two games are still on the Playstore and there are always updates.
okay that's the discussion this time.
Shadow Fight 2
Shadow Fight 3
Video Gameplay
Shadow fight 3 Download
Shadow Fight 2 Download
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