Robaks is a strategy game similar to the well known worm wars series and inspired with the movement of flying birds. In order to throw an object you need to drag it backwards..
The battle between the characters takes place on an island. The terrain is fully deformable by the weapons available in the game. The goal is to eliminate the opponents and stay alive. Remember Cannons?
The game has 3 modes of play:
● campaign, where you will face virtual opponents and earn coins which will allow you to unlock new weapons,
● shared screen game, where you can play with a friend on the same device,
● gambling, where you can multiply your earned coins by betting on a team.
You can use a variety of weapons, such as grenade, bombs, airstrikes or dig the ground!
The game is designed for players at any age due to the lack of violence (the damaged character just disappears)
The battle between the characters takes place on an island. The terrain is fully deformable by the weapons available in the game. The goal is to eliminate the opponents and stay alive. Remember Cannons?
The game has 3 modes of play:
● campaign, where you will face virtual opponents and earn coins which will allow you to unlock new weapons,
● shared screen game, where you can play with a friend on the same device,
● gambling, where you can multiply your earned coins by betting on a team.
You can use a variety of weapons, such as grenade, bombs, airstrikes or dig the ground!
The game is designed for players at any age due to the lack of violence (the damaged character just disappears)
/Robaks adalah gim strategi yang mirip dengan seri worm wars yang terkenal dan terinspirasi dari gerakan burung terbang. Untuk melempar objek, Anda perlu menyeretnya ke belakang..
Pertempuran antara karakter terjadi di sebuah pulau. Medan sepenuhnya dapat dideformasi oleh senjata yang tersedia dalam game. Tujuannya adalah untuk menghilangkan lawan dan tetap hidup. Ingat Meriam?
Gim ini memiliki 3 mode permainan:
kampanye, di mana Anda akan menghadapi lawan virtual dan mendapatkan koin yang memungkinkan Anda membuka kunci senjata baru,
permainan layar bersama, tempat Anda dapat bermain dengan teman di perangkat yang sama,
perjudian, di mana Anda dapat melipatgandakan koin yang Anda peroleh dengan bertaruh pada tim.
Anda dapat menggunakan berbagai senjata, seperti granat, bom, serangan udara, atau menggali tanah!
Gim ini dirancang untuk pemain di segala usia karena kurangnya kekerasan (karakter yang rusak menghilang begitu saja)
Video Gameplay
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