Sudah lama tidak main game rertro emulator lagi, kali ini mimin main game legends The Sims series The Urbz yaitu lanjutan dari The Bustin Out yang di GBA atau series lain setelah itu..
seperti biasa dimainkan dengan emulator di Android yg bernama MyBoy! untuk menjalankan Game-game GBA dengan sangat lancar ya gamenya ringan" untuk HP jaman now.
The urbz: sims in the city adalah game simulasi buatan developer maxis, story di game ini adalah untuk mengembalikan kedamaian kota yang telah dikuasai oleh penguasa yang tamak dan serakah bernama daddy bigbucks, karena ketahuan bahwa mc akan membongkar kejahatan daddy bigbucks, maka mc dijebloskan ke penjara, lalu berteman dengan detective agar bebas, dan melanjutkan rencana untuk membongkar kejahatan daddy bigbucks
/I haven't played retro emulator games for a long time, this time I'm playing the legends game The Sims series The Urbz which is a continuation of The Bustin Out which was in GBA or other series after that..
as usual played with an emulator on Android called MyBoy! to run GBA games very smoothly, the games are light" for today's cellphones.
The urbz: sims in the city is a simulation game made by developer maxis, the story in this game is to restore a city that has been controlled by a greedy and greedy ruler named daddy bigbucks, because it was discovered that mc would expose the crime of daddy bigbucks, then mc was thrown into prison, then befriend the detective to be free, and continue the plan to uncover the crime of daddy bigbucks
The URBZ Sims ROM Game Download
Emulator GBA "Myboy" Download
Install :
1. Download game rom install myboy emulator apk
2. Extract file rom .zip 7z rar zarchive - Winrar jika masih berformat bukan .GBA
3. Open emulator Myboy Search play ROM file game .GBA ok click
4. Play offline game GBA with emulator enjoy
Install :
1. Download game rom install myboy emulator apk
2. Extract file rom .zip 7z rar zarchive - Winrar jika masih berformat bukan .GBA
3. Open emulator Myboy Search play ROM file game .GBA ok click
4. Play offline game GBA with emulator enjoy
Info Game
Game: The urbz: sims in the city
Platform: GBA
Emulator : MyBoy, GBA.emu
Tested on : Sony Xperia Play
Size : 20mb++
Genre : Simulation, Open world
Dev/Pub : EA
Video Gameplay
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