Nostalgia HP anak 90an yang hits dulu keluar tahun 2000an semenjak jaman mimin SMP ini hp keluar 2 versi pertama seperti gambar diatas yang kedua Ngage Qd bentuknya lebih compact ada kekurangan kelebihan dari keduanya.. klo mimin suka yg classic yang seperti di gambar ada music player bawaannya serta enak music bass nya.. terus tampilan lebih gagah layaknya HP Gamers. sekarang harganya 300rb kebawah tergantung kondisi kemulusan nyari yg mulus susah rata" lcd nya kerut ya karena kemakan zaman sih. bisa dibeenrin di oplas LCD cuman resiko harus yg ahli-ahli nya. mimin simpan saja sebagai kenangan kenangan dan pasti nanti langka hp gaming pertama di dunia
/Nostalgic 90s children's cellphones, which were hits first, came out in the 2000s, since the era of junior high school, the first 2 versions of the cellphone came out like the picture above, the second Ngage Qd is more compact in shape, there are drawbacks to the advantages of both ... if I like the classic one, as in the picture, there is a built-in music player and the bass music is delicious.. and looks more manly like HP Gamers. now the price is 300 thousand and below depending on the smoothness, looking for a smooth one, it's hard to flatten "the LCD is wrinkled, yes, it's due to the times. It can be repaired in an LCD plastic surgery, only the risk must be the experts. Mimin, just keep it as a memory and the first gaming cellphone will be rare in the future. world
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