Strategy Legion 10 mb
Android 2.3+
Strategy Legion is a Turn-Based Strategy Action RPG designed by WWG independent studio.
Strategy Legion is a small size game, but dont get deceived by its size, it has included all elements that a SRPG game is expected to have.
This game tells a story of King Arthur and Knights of the
Round Table, include lengendary heroes:Merlin, Lancelot, and
Guinevere, in game, all the enemies can be recruited,
This game is brisk and smooth. Using range, skills, tactics to destroy your enemy and enjoy the pleasant sensation.
Comparing with other similar games, this game focus on arranging different arm of services; making arrays; use of Tank; DPS; Cure and coordination of different
occupations. Through challenging more 400 levels, to accumulate coins and diamonds; upgrade and equip your army to beat your enemy.
Strategy Legion adalah RPG Aksi Strategi Berbasis Giliran yang dirancang oleh studio independen WWG.
Strategy Legion adalah gim berukuran kecil, tetapi jangan tertipu oleh ukurannya, gim ini mencakup semua elemen yang diharapkan dimiliki oleh gim SRPG.
Game ini menceritakan kisah Raja Arthur dan Knights of the
Meja Bundar, termasuk pahlawan lengendary: Merlin, Lancelot, dan
Guinevere, dalam game, semua musuh dapat direkrut,
Permainan ini cepat dan halus. Menggunakan jangkauan, keterampilan, taktik untuk menghancurkan musuh Anda dan menikmati sensasi yang menyenangkan.
Dibandingkan dengan game sejenis lainnya, game ini fokus pada pengaturan lengan layanan yang berbeda; membuat array; penggunaan Tangki; DPS; Penyembuhan dan koordinasi yang berbeda
pekerjaan. Melalui tantangan lebih dari 400 level, untuk mengumpulkan koin dan berlian; tingkatkan dan lengkapi pasukan Anda untuk mengalahkan musuh Anda.
Video Gameplay
SRPG,Indie game,full of strategy and tactics.All enemies can be recruited.
Strategy Legion is a Turn-Based Strategy RPG designed by WWG Indie game.
It is a small size TBS game, only 10M, but don't get deceived by its size, it has included all elements that a SRPG game is expected to have.
This game tells a epic story of King Arthur and Knights of the Round Table, include lengendary heroes:Merlin, Lancelot, and Guinevere, in game, all the enemies can be recruited,
Use range, skills, tactics to destroy your enemy. Through challenging more than 400 levels, to accumulate gems; upgrade and equip your army to beat enemy.
It is a free strategy game with No Ads.
If you are interested in turn-based strategy games,SLG games,Simulation games,4X games,strategy board games,you may like this game.
- Fun and abundant game contents:
Over 70 kinds of heroes can be hired.
Create your own party with a combination of 24 unique knights.
You can also enjoy it as a roguelike style RPG.
Many original characters and legendary heroes.
- Multiple units:
Terran - Knight,Archer,Berserk,Magic,Priest
Undead - Carrion,Ghost,Zombie,Vampire
Elf - Assassin,Genie,Warrior
Gods - Athena,Thor,Achilles,Anubis,Dragon
- Super fierce battle:
Think well about compatibility with enemies, organize an advantageous team.
Easy operation, move and attack the character.
Turn-based combat.
Practice the strategy, move the character, aim for the annihilation of the enemy.
Rogue-like turn-based strategy game fused with RPG. A rectangular battlefield will be the stage.
Let's challenge a full-scale strategy battle!
Exciting battle, win over from the battlefield!
- Game Outline:
Get powerful heros to nurture.
Defeat other lords, conquer the entire continent.
Single player strategy game.
Offline strategy game. different to the online strategy game, you can play it without network.
- Collect hero and Train:
There are many training elements such as level, skill, weapons and equipment items etc.Foster the heroes and win the battle.
Collect six heroes of legendary quality to unlock the gods' weapon.
- Media review:
The Strategy Legion can be said to be a hard combination of roguelike and turn-based strategy games.
Like those old GBA and FC games,you need to spend a few weeks to fully understand the tactics and skills, and a few months to clear all stages.
If you like turn-based strategy simulation RPG with medieval motif,you should absolutely GET.
It is a sophisticated 2d strategy game, you can make a thoughtful choice to tackle tactical-focused battles and quests.
It's not easy at first, but it's fun to learn various strategies while playing. My absolutely recommended game!
I think that it is irresistible for those who like turn-based strategy games, roguelike games.
It is an honest impression that "Strategy Legion - Offline RPG" is full of pleasant surprises.
"Strategy Legion - Offline RPG" is a rpg strategy game that anyone can easily play.
Strategy Legion - Offline RPG is a very well-formed game with plenty of content.
A turn-based strategy RPG game that can enjoy an infinite combination in a novel quadrilateral battlefield.
To win through to the end, you need strong strategy, teamwork, and weapons.Grow up and train heroes, lead the undefeated corps and challenge the battle!
It is probably the best strategy game on the iPhone ...
Easy, full-blown strategy RPG appeared!
One of the best combat strategy games,I cannot win by force! Strategy is an important battle!
A battle of 3 to 5 minutes is perfect for the mobile strategy games!
An excellent SPRG indie game.An excellent pve strategy game.
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