Dungeon Munchies Game Android Offline 700mb APK

Bahas Game baru Lagi yang rilis di Tahun 2022 adalah game bergrafis pixel yang Bergenre Platformer action RPG.
Dalam game ini Player harus Explore / bertualang dikisahkan di sebuah dungeon ada rintangan sebuah musuh atau banyak monster Yang harus player basmi dan kalahkan, nanti akan mendapat bahan bahan / item
dari monster yang kita kalahkan. kali ini cukup unik kenapa?
perlu diketahui player kan zombie nah kita mencari bagian tubuh monster lain dari mereka, para monster dalam dungeon untuk bahan masakan ngeri juga ya :v. Yang bisa kita masak agar ability karakter utamanya nambah. contohnya jika player memasaknyamuk goreng, ini masakan bisa membuat karakter utama / Player bisa mendapatkan ability Yaitu bisa lompat double jump dua kali.

/Discuss the new game again, which will be released in 2022, is a pixel-graphics game with the Platformer action RPG genre.
In this game, players have to explore/adventure, it is told that in a dungeon, there are obstacles, an enemy or many monsters that players have to eradicate and defeat, later they will get materials/items.
of the monsters we defeated. this time is quite unique why?
players need to know zombies, so we're looking for other monster body parts from them, the monsters in the dungeon for cooking ingredients are horrifying too, okay? :v. What we can cook so that the main character's abilities increase. For example, if the player cooks fried mosquitoes, this dish can make the main character / player get the ability to double jump twice.


Video Gameplay

Info Game
📃Title : Dungeon Munchies 
🎬Genre : Platformer, Action
🎮Mode : Offline
🚻Multiplayer : -
⏱️Year : 2022
📱Platform : Android, 
📝Dev/Pub : Majaja
💾Size : 700mb++
⭐Rating : 3.5/ 5.0
🔖Store : Playstore  (Paid Game)
OS : Android 5 Up

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