Blast Waves Game Android Offline 125mb APK Strategy

Game yang jika dilihat dari grafis pixelated terkesan kurang menarik. Tapi bikin penasaran juga, apalagi di Playstore ini adalah game premium yang dibandrol dengan harga Rp 56.000.
Game pixel sendiri pasti kalian tahu, terkadang game seperti ini bisa sangat membuat ketagihan jika kita sudah memahami gameplaynya. Dan sepertinya game ini termasuk dalam kategori tersebut. Didukung dengan kontrol sederhana, sangat cocok untuk perangkat dengan layar
Bagi saya, bingung menentukan genre game ini. Kontrol dalam pertempuran seperti game RTS, tetapi kami hanya memindahkan satu karakter. Disebut penembak, tetapi gerakannya taktis. Yang penting gameplaynya seru. Bisa dilihat di screenshot, mode layar pada game ini adalah portrait. Yang nyaman dimainkan dalam genggaman satu tangan. Karena kontrolnya tinggal swipe dan tap. Tapi sepertinya gameplaynya tidak sesederhana itu. Tidak menutup kemungkinan dalam perkembangan selanjutnya akan ada unsur strategi di dalamnya.

Game ini bertema tentang planet dan invasi.
Dengan karakter bergaya prajurit luar angkasa lapis baja tingkat lanjut. Mereka terlihat seperti karakter dalam seri game Nova dan Halonya Xbox.
Siapa yang bertarung dalam peleton di planet melawan monster di dalamnya.
Dengan senjata seperti senapan laser atau pedang yang terlihat canggih. Misi selesai ketika semua monster sudah pergi dan kita masih hidup. Di awal udah dibilang, nggak tau bakalan lanjut atau tidak nanti. Soalnya di misi terakhir yang saya mainkan, saya kewalahan dengan semua karakter mokad yang duluan dihajar musuh.

/Games that, when viewed from the pixelated graphics, seem less attractive. But it also makes me curious, especially on the Playstore, this is a premium game priced at IDR 56,000.
You know pixel games yourself, sometimes games like this can be very addictive if we already understand the gameplay. And it seems that this game falls into that category. Supported by simple controls, very suitable for devices with screens
For me, it's confusing to define the genre of this game. The controls in the battle are like RTS games, but we only move one character. Called a shooter, but the movement is tactical. What is important is that the gameplay is fun. You can see in the screenshot, the screen mode in this game is portrait. Which is comfortable to play in the grip of one hand. Because the controls are just swipe and tap. But it seems that the gameplay is not this simple. There is a possibility that in the next progress there will be an element of strategy in it.

This game is themed about planets and invasions.
With characters in the style of advanced armored space warriors. They look like the characters in the Nova and Halonya Xbox game series.
Who fights in a platoon on a planet against the monsters in it.
With weapons such as laser rifles or swords that look sophisticated. The mission is over when all the monsters are gone and we are still alive. In the beginning, it was spelled out, I don't know if it will progress later. The problem is that in the last mission I played, I was overwhelmed by all the mokad characters first being beaten up by the enemy.


Video Gameplay

Info Game
📃Title : Blast Waves
🎬Genre : Strategy
🎮Mode : Offline 
🚻Multiplayer : -
⏱️Year : 2021
📱Platform : Android,
📝Dev/Pub : Kyle Barrett
💾Size : 125mb+
⭐Rating :  3.8 / 5.0
🔖Store : Playstore (Paid Game)
OS : Android 4.1 + Up

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