Milo And The Magpies 🎬Genre : Adventure, Point n Click, Puzzle 🎮Mode : Offline

Gim premium dengan grafik indah, di mana latarnya terlihat seperti lukisan. Game point n click ini memiliki karakter utama seekor kucing yang ingin kembali ke rumahnya. Padahal hanya ada 3 atap yang harus ia lompati. Namun, harus dihadang oleh dua ekor burung murai. Entah kenapa, yang pasti murai itu menyerang kucing Milo dan mengusirnya. Pergilah dia turun dari atap ke arah yang semakin jauh dari rumahnya.
Jadi, di halaman belakang inilah kita akan memulai gameplay. Dimana setiap halaman akan menjadi bab yang harus kita lewati.
Setiap halaman juga memiliki tampilan dan teka-teki yang berbeda. Di bab pertama, kita akan berada di halaman yang indah dan indah.
Kita bisa melihat bahwa pemiliknya sangat menyukai kebersihan. Untung dia bukan orang jahat. Dia hanya memindahkan Milo ketika dia tahu dia ada di halaman rumahnya.
Sejauh memainkannya hingga chapter 4, saya rasa teka-teki dalam game ini tidak terlalu sulit.
Terkadang tidak dapat diprediksi, tetapi saat kita Bermain itu Luar Biasa.

/A premium game with beautiful graphics, where the setting looks like a painting. This point n click game has the main character of a cat who wants to return to his home. Even though there are only 3 roofs that he has to jump over. However, it must be blocked by two magpie birds. I don't know why, what is certain is that a magpie attacked Milo's cat and chased him away. Go he descended from the roof in a direction that is getting away from his house.
So, it is in this backyard that we will start the gameplay. Where each page will be a chapter that we must pass.
Each page has different views and puzzles too. In the first chapter, we will be on a beautiful and beautiful page.
We can see that the owner really likes cleanliness. Luckily he's not a bad person. He only moved Milo when he found out he was in his yard.
As far as playing it up to chapter 4, I don't think the puzzles in this game are too difficult.
Sometimes unpredictable, but when we Play is Amazing.


Video Gameplay

Info Game
📃Title : Milo And The Magpies
🎬Genre : Adventure, Point n Click, Puzzle
🎮Mode : Offline 
🚻Multiplayer : -
⏱️Year : 2022
📱Platform : Android
📝Dev/Pub : Second Maze
💾Size : 155mb++
⭐Rating :  3.9 / 5.0
🔖Store : Playstore (Paid Game)
OS : Android 4.4 + Up

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