Bermain Game Retro di HP Black Berry Qwerty Keypad Modif Button (Retroarch) PSX Emulator

Salah satu game PS favorit mimin yang sering dimainkan dikala gabut 😂

Salah satu game underrated yang mungkin jarang di ketahui di platform PS1 seperti biasa mimin mainkan dengan emulator kali ini dengan Retrorarch (PsxRearmed) game platformer seorang anak cwo yang terjebak didunia endog endogan a.k.a telur disini player berpetualang ditemani 3 telur yang bisa dipilih ada kuya ada ayam ada naga dll nya.. untuk bisa evolusi dengan mengumpulkan bintang yang banyak ,ini adalah dunia dari dalam tong sampah vilain nya juga kaya sepatu, gasolin, ban dll  suatu petualangan platformer yang epic penuh tantangan semakin lv kesananya, dengan map / world yang luas 

/One of Mimin's favorite PS games that is often played when it's up late 😂

One of the underrated games that you may rarely know about on the PS1 platform, as usual, Mimin is playing with an emulator this time with Retrorarch (PsxRearmed), a platformer game for a boy who is trapped in the world of endogan, a.k.a egg. Here the player is on an adventure accompanied by 3 eggs to choose from, there are kuya and chickens. there are dragons etc.. to be able to evolve by collecting lots of stars, this is the world from inside the villain trash can also rich in shoes, gasoline, tires etc. an epic platformer adventure full of challenges the more lv there it is, with a wide map / world

Hermie Hopperhead ROM game 

Retro Arch BB Q10 Native .bar 
(Use only for BB OS10 with keypad / qwerty work)

Epsxe Emulator PS 1 / PSX for reguler android

Oke this time i play old game PS1 OR PSX on My Phone Android remember me when old time when i was kid play this game, For Graphics very nice in time with Soundtrack very good also  Story

Tutorial install

1. Install Epsxe Emulator PS 

2. Load open game (this example games tested on my Phone)

3. Enjoy and play


Video Gameplay

Ini Gameplay nya Hermie Hopperhead dimainkan dengan emulator PS1 bisa epsxe / retroarch (psxrearmed)

/This Hermie Hopperhead Gameplay is played with the PS1 emulator can be epsxe / retroarch (psxrearmed)

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