Red dead revolver ps2 game for android apk

Game menemani di Perjalanan kawan
main emulator PS2 di Aethersx2 seru juga + gamepad
-Red dead revolver
adalah game TPS mungkin menurut mimin ini adalah cikal bakal dari game Red dead redemption 2 yang ngehits itu mungkin terinspirasi dari game ini bertema cowboy / western yang seru.

/Games accompany on the journey of comrades
playing PS2 emulator on Aethersx2 is also fun + gamepad
-Red dead revolver
is a TPS game, maybe in Mimin's opinion this is the forerunner of the hit game Red dead redemption 2, maybe it was inspired by this exciting cowboy / western themed game.

Video Gameplay

Emulator AetherSx2  Download

Game ROM Red Dead Revolver Download

BIOS Download

Tutorial :

1. Install AetherSx2

2. Extract ROM PS2 Game 

3. Start Emulator Aethersx2

4. Open Folder Games (this Example My Games)

Red Dead Revolver is a 2004 action-adventure game developed by Rockstar San Diego and published by Rockstar Games. It is the first entry in the Red Dead series, and was released for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox in May 2004. Set in the 1880s, during the American frontier, the single-player story follows bounty hunter Red Harlow's quest for revenge after the murder of his parents. A local multiplayer mode allows up to four players to face off against each other or AI-controlled bots in free-for-all battles.

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