Skins N-Gage Eka2L1 For Android Emulator Symbian

Skins Background N-Gage Download

Sekarang baground Eka2li sudah bisa di custom
Saya coba custom Skin N•GAge Classic, ada 2 versi skin,
Yang ke satu untuk NeGage 1.0 dan yang ke dua untuk
NeGage 2.0
Skin nya sama menggunakan N•Gage Classic yang beda hanya di list pinggir nya saja,
Untuk pengaturan tombol sesuaikan dengan tombol No
Gage nya lalu hide tombol nya
Contoh penempatan tombol yang saya gunakan ada di foto
Saya menggunakan Hp Ratel Cell Android 8 OS
Jika ada baground yg resolusinya beda tolong kasih kabar nanti saya buatkan untuk resolusi tertentu
Semoga dengan skin NeGage langsung Fill nya jadi lebih dapet main NeGage nya bernostalgia jaman dulu kejayaan Hp Gaming Pertama Nokia
Walaupun tidak bisa di sama ratakan dengan device asli nya langsung

buat temen2 yg gagal pasang skin,di kadalin aja apk cara manual file image beri nama background (tanpa jpg/png), taruh seperti di ss di tiap folder app,yg di ss cuma buat contoh doank, game metal bluster 2,mungkin saat ini masih blm bisa set global,atau mimin nya yg gak paham ketinggalan update ,ini aja tadi baru install lagi ),set skala dan bagi rasio set tergantung image yg di pakai,posisi layar & tombol skin qd dan klasik beda
Klo mau coba ygq pk monggo silakan (saat ini mimin cuma install fw ngage qd, blm install fw lain)

Now Eka2li's background can be customized
I tried the custom Skin N•Gage Classic, there are 2 skin versions,
The first for NeGage 1.0 and the second for
NeGage 2.0
The skin is the same as the N•Gage Classic, the difference is only on the side list,
To adjust the button settings with the No button
Gage it then hide the button
An example of the button placement I'm using is in the photo
I'm using a Ratel Cell Android 8 OS
If there is a background with a different resolution, please let me know, I will make it for a certain resolution
Hopefully, with the NeGage skin, you can directly fill it so you can play NeGage even more, nostalgic for the past glory of Nokia's First Gaming Phone
Even though it can't be compared to the original device directly

for those of you who failed to install the skin, just apply the apk in the manual way, name the image file (without jpg/png), put it like in ss in each app folder, the ss is just for an example, game metal bluster 2, maybe now still can't set global, or the admin doesn't understand that he's missing the update, just installed this again), set the scale and divide the set ratio depending on the image used, the screen position & buttons for qd and classic skins are different
If you want to try the one that's pk, please go ahead (at the moment Mimin only installs FW Ngage QD, haven't installed any other FW)


1. Download Skins

2. Copy kan Background gambar satu persatu pada gamenya misal Metal Bluster gamenya seperti ini foldernya di EKA2L1>Android>Configs [Kode games] seperti dibawah ini contoh games metal bluster 

/Copy the background images one by one in the game, for example the Metal Bluster game like this folder in EKA2L1> Android> Configs [Game code] as shown below is an example of metal bluster games

3. Setting satu persatu gamesnya misal metal bluster 2 cari folder sesuai kan 

/Setting the games one by one, for example Metal Bluster 2, look for the appropriate folder

4. setting transparansi 


Emulator Eka2L1 + firmware check Here Download

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