Flood of light game android offline 90mb apk puzzle

Game ini keren banget, Bro! Kamu bakal mainin sebagai cewek misterius pake jas hujan putih yang bisa ngendaliin bola cahaya kecil. Setiap levelnya seru banget dan tujuannya adalah nyari pusat kota yang kebanjiran itu. Trus nanti kamu bakal tau kenapa kota itu kebanjiran dan juga cerita masa lalu si cewek misterius sama kekuatannya. Grafisnya cakep banget dan puzzle-nya juga menarik. Mulai dari atap gedung pencakar langit, kamu bakal nemuin pesan dari Dr.S. yang cerita kalo kota Hope diserbu banjir terus. Ilmuwan bikin "Sun Light Post" buat nguras airnya, tapi gagal. Nah, sekarang cuma si cewek muda ini yang bisa nyelametin kota Hope dengan kekuatannya. Banyak misteri seru yang bakal terungkap di akhir game, soal robot-robt aneh di kota dan hujan yang enggak pernah berhenti. Puzzle di game ini melibatkan platform yang gerak, nyalain sakelar, dan jalanin ke area selanjutnya buat ngerjain levelnya. Cara si cewek kecil ini ngendaliin bola cahaya itu unik dan seru banget. Karakternya gerakin dengan nyentuh layar trus ada tombol "U" di kanan bawah buat ngeresep cahaya dari lampu. Nah, taro bola cahaya itu ke "Sun Light Post" biar airnya surut. Mantap kan?

/This game is really cool, Bro! You will play as a mysterious girl in a white raincoat who can control a small ball of light. Each level is exciting and the goal is to find the center of the flooded city. Later on, you will find out why the city is flooded and the backstory of the mysterious girl and her powers. The graphics are amazing and the puzzles are interesting. From the rooftops of skyscrapers, you will find messages from Dr. S. who tells the story of how the city of Hope was constantly flooded. Scientists created the "Sun Light Post" to drain the water, but failed. Now, only this young girl with her powers can save the city of Hope. Many exciting mysteries will be revealed at the end of the game, about the strange robots in the city and the never-ending rain. The puzzles in this game involve moving platforms, turning on switches, and moving to the next area to complete the levels. The way this young girl controls the ball of light is unique and fun. You move her character by touching the screen and there is a "U" button at the bottom right to absorb light from the lamps. Then, place the ball of light on the "Sun Light Post" to drain the water. Cool, right?



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