Jadi, game ini tuh bikin greget banget deh! Lu akan ngendalinin monster hitam bersayap buat ngelewatin rintangan sampe akhir level. Lu bisa terbang, berguling, berubah bentuk, atau bikin clone monster biar bisa nyampe dengan selamat. Tapi hati-hati ya, hutan tempat lu bakal main penuh bahaya dan jebakan. Lu harus gesit ngelakuin manuver biar ngindarin bahaya dan jangan sampe ketinggalan kamera. Tantangannya beneran susah abis, apalagi kameranya cepet banget! Tapi untungnya ada banyak titik respawn jadi lu gak perlu ngulangin dari awal kalo mati. Ingat aja, setiap rintangan pasti bisa diselesain. Lu cuma perlu berpikir dengan logika buat ngeluarin monster dari masalahnya. Seru banget deh!
/So, this game is really exciting! You will control a black winged monster to overcome obstacles until the end of the level. You can fly, roll, change shape, or create clone monsters to reach the goal safely. But be careful, the forest where you will play is full of dangers and traps. You have to be quick in maneuvering to avoid dangers and not get left behind by the camera. The challenge is really tough, especially because the camera moves fast! But fortunately, there are many respawn points so you don't have to start over if you die. Just remember, every obstacle can be overcome. You just need to think logically to solve the monster's problems. It's really fun!
Video Gameplay
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