Lho, game balap ini emang asik banget guys, gak nyangka gw udah pada tau sejak jaman ps3 dan psp. Pas gw kebetulan nonton di youtube, wuih grafisnya cakep banget. Pertama kali liat langsung keingetan sama Ridge Racer deh. Musiknya keren banget, suara narator pas mau balapan, trus ada cewek cantik berambut pendek yang pasti muncul setiap serinya. Pokoknya berasa banget Ridge Racer-nya.
Mobil balapnya juga beragam banget, bisa dimainin player lewat sistem kejuaraan gitu. Mulai dari mobil biasa sampe mobil super cepet, kayak game racing pada umumnya deh. Grafisnya juga nggak kalah bagus sama game HD racing lainnya kayak Need For Speed atau Asphalt.
Ada fitur Slipstream juga loh, jadi kalo player lagi di belakang mobil lawan bisa masuk ke mode Slipstream. Akselerasinya dan kecepatannya langsung naik gara-gara mobil depan udah 'ngeluarin' hambatan udara buat player. Tapi yaudah, pasti bisa juga dilakuin lawan buat nyusup ke mode Slipstream kalo lagi di belakang player. Jadi hati-hati ya hehehe.
/Wow, this racing game is really cool guys, I didn't expect that I already knew it since the era of ps3 and psp. When I happened to watch it on YouTube, the graphics were really awesome. The first time I saw it, it immediately reminded me of Ridge Racer. The music is really cool, the narrator's voice when racing, and there's a pretty girl with short hair who always appears in every series. It really feels like Ridge Racer. There are also a variety of racing cars, which can be played by the player through the championship system. Starting from ordinary cars to super fast cars, like most racing games. The graphics are also not inferior to other HD racing games like Need For Speed or Asphalt. There's also a Slipstream feature, so if the player is behind the opponent's car, they can enter Slipstream mode. The acceleration and speed immediately increase because the front car has 'released' the air resistance for the player. But beware, opponents can also slip into Slipstream mode if they are behind the player. So be careful, hehehe.
Video Gameplay
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