Luh, mau bantuin Mia si cewe peri nolongin Kerajaan Centopia ga? Hidup enak di Centopia lagi terancam sama Ratu jahat Panthea, tugas kita nih buat stop rencana jahat dia dan lindungin kehidupan harmonis antara peri Centopia sama Unicorn. Cukup kumpulin debu Unicorn sebanyak-banyaknya trus rakitin instrument dari trumptus, tapi hati-hati sama rintangan yang bakal kita hadapi. - Kumpulin debu Unicorn buat pulihin Centopia dan beli item buat bantu nolongin Centopia. - Kalo dah kumpulin debu Unicorn, bisa ke toko beli item buat petualangan selanjutnya. - Rakitin trumptus misterius dan pake buat pertarungan terakhir lawan bos. - Have fun tembak Waterglare ke tentara Panthea/Munc sama naga yang kita temuin. - Jelajahin tanah dongeng Centopia dari ladang bunga sampe Great Jungle. - Mungkin udah pada tau serial Mia And Me di TV, sekarang bisa ikutan nolongin Centopia di layar android. - Mia And Me adalah game Side Scrolling buat cewe umur 5-8 tahun, tapi boleh juga buat cewe yang lebih tua atau cowok. Ga ada yang larang kok.
/Luh, want to help Mia the fairy girl rescue the Kingdom of Centopia? Life is good in Centopia but is threatened by the evil Queen Panthea, our task is to stop her evil plans and protect the harmonious life between the Centopia fairies and Unicorns. Just collect as much Unicorn dust as possible and assemble instruments from the trumptus, but be careful of the obstacles we will face. - Collect Unicorn dust to restore Centopia and buy items to help save Centopia. - Once you have collected Unicorn dust, you can go to the store to buy items for the next adventure. - Assemble the mysterious trumptus and use it for the final battle against the boss. - Have fun shooting Waterglare at Panthea's army/Munc and the dragons we encounter. - Explore the fairytale land of Centopia from the flower fields to the Great Jungle. - You may have seen the TV series Mia And Me, now you can help Centopia on your android screen. - Mia And Me is a Side Scrolling game for girls aged 5-8, but can also be played by older girls or boys. There is no restriction.
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