Game ini bakal bikin lo merasa kaya jadi seorang cowboy keren banget! Desain peluru yang realistis banget bikin pengalaman bermainnya makin seru. Buat ngarahin tembakan, tinggal swipe aja ke arah targetnya. Nggak cuma itu, lo juga harus nunggu momen yang pas buat nembak musuh. Di game ini, lo bakal berhadapan dengan banyak buronan liar di wilayah barat. Tiap buronan punya objektif yang wajib lo perhatiin, misalnya apakah lo mau nenangin mereka dengan nembak ke kepala, atau cuma nembak tangan atau kaki mereka. Seru banget deh!
/This game will make you feel like a really cool cowboy! The realistic bullet design makes the playing experience even more exciting. To aim and shoot, just swipe towards the target. Not only that, you also have to wait for the right moment to shoot the enemies. In this game, you will face many wild outlaws in the western territory. Each outlaw has objectives that you must pay attention to, like whether you want to calm them down by shooting them in the head, or just shoot their hands or legs. It's really fun!
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