Potion Permit RPG 200mb Terbaru Game Android Offline APK

"Potion Permit" adalah game seru banget yang pake banget. Jalan ceritanya tuh keren banget, di kota Moonbury yang masih banyak yang percaya sama obat-obatan tradisional. Nah, tuh, ceritanya dimulai pas putri walikotanya jatuh sakit, terus si walikota minta bantuan sama seorang Alchemist baru yang dateng ke kota. Awalnya sih warga pada mau tolak, tapi akhirnya si Alchemist ditugasin buat bikin obat buat si putri. Di game ini, kita bisa bikin karakter avatar kita sendiri, atur penampilannya, dan petualang di sekitar Moonbury. Ada petualangan, pertarungan melawan monster, dan merawat pasien juga. Meskipun di kategorinya tuh Farm Simulation, tapi gaada hal-hal bercocoktanam lah. Kita bisa nyari bahan baku dari alam liar atau ngehadepin monster. Game ini ada tiga jenis senjata: kapak, sabit, sama palu, semuanya bisa dipake buat pertarungan. Bentuk permainannya simpel, tapi musuhnya banyak variasi dan bikin tantangan. Selain itu, ada juga aktivitas seru kayak mancing atau kencan sama penduduk kota. Grafisnya "Potion Permit" tuh jauh lebih keren daripada Stardew Valley, dengan dunia dan karakter yang menarik banget. Sayangnya, dialognya gaada ilustrasi karakternya, jadi ngebuat jalan ceritanya nggak terasa dalam banget. Ya, sih, ga terlalu penting amat sih, tapi kadang-kadang ilustrasi karakter pada dialognya bisa bikin kita lebih ngerasain ceritanya. Itu sih pendapat pribadi gua. Lagian kan ada fitur kencannya juga, visual-nya bisa enak diliat dengan ilustrasi karakter pada dialognya. Note: Info yang mungkin bakal bikin kalian pengen cobain tuh karena bisa main dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Wajib coba deh, syaratnya Android OS 8.0 atau yang lebih baru.

/ "Potion Permit" is a really fun game that is totally addictive. The storyline is amazing, set in the city of Moonbury where many people still believe in traditional medicine. So, the story begins when the mayor's daughter falls ill and the mayor seeks the help of a new Alchemist who arrives in the city. Initially, the citizens were reluctant, but eventually the Alchemist is tasked with making medicine for the princess. In this game, we can create our own avatar, customize its appearance, and embark on adventures around Moonbury. There are adventures, battles against monsters, and even patient care. Although it falls under the category of Farm Simulation, it does not involve actual farming activities. We can find raw materials from the wild or face monsters. The game has three types of weapons: axe, sickle, and hammer, all of which can be used for battles. The gameplay is simple, but there are many variations of enemies that create challenges. Moreover, there are also enjoyable activities such as fishing or dating the town's inhabitants. The graphics of "Potion Permit" are much better than Stardew Valley, with a fascinating world and characters. Unfortunately, the dialogue does not have character illustrations, so the storyline doesn't feel as immersive. Well, it's not really that important, but sometimes character illustrations in dialogue can make us experience the story more deeply. That's just my personal opinion. Plus, since there is a dating feature, the visuals are pleasant to look at with character illustrations in the dialogue. Note: One interesting piece of information that might make you want to try it is that you can play in Indonesian language. You must try it, the requirement is Android OS 8.0 or newer.

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Info Game
📃Title : Potion Permit
🎬Genre : RPG, Simulation
🎮Mode : Offline
🚻Multiplayer :-
⏱️Year : 2024
📱Platform : Android
📝Dev/Pub : Playdigious
💾Size : 200mb APK
⭐Rating :  3.9 / 5.0
🔖Store : Playstore (Paid Game)
OS : Android 8+ Up

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