The Legend of Bumbo Game Android Offline 260mb APK Game Puzzle Turnbased

Jadi nih, The Legend of Bum-Bo tuh game yang bikin Edmund McMillen dan James Interactive. Game ini keluar tanggal 12 November 2019 buat Windows sama mac, trus di-porting ke Nintendo Switch tanggal 28 Juni 2020. Nah, sekarang bisa dimainin di Android juga dengan harga Rp 219.000,00 ato ngedownload gratis di link yang ada di bawah. The Legend of Bum-Bo itu spin-off dari game indie kesukaan, The Binding of Isaac, yang juga dibikin sama Edmund McMillen. Bedanya, The Legend of Bum-Bo ini mekanismenya mainnya berbeda. Ini tuh game puzzle RPG yang ada pertarungan turn-based gitu, jadi kita harus coba selesain puzzle buat serangin musuh. Ceritanya tentang Bum-Bo, yang sebenernya karakter yang gak bisa dimainin di The Binding of Isaac. Bum-Bo pengen dapat koin buat beli barang dan nyari anaknya yang ilang. Kita bakal jalan-jalan ke level yang berbeda, berhadapan sama musuh, dan pecahin puzzle buat lanjutin ceritanya. Syaratnya harus punya Android OS versi 6.0 terus ke atas, ya!

/ So, The Legend of Bum-Bo is a game developed by Edmund McMillen and James Interactive. The game was released on November 12, 2019 for Windows and Mac, and then it was ported to Nintendo Switch on June 28, 2020. Now, it can also be played on Android with a price of Rp 219,000.00 or can be downloaded for free through the link below. The Legend of Bum-Bo is a spin-off of the beloved indie game, The Binding of Isaac, which is also developed by Edmund McMillen. However, The Legend of Bum-Bo has a different gameplay mechanism. It is a puzzle RPG game with turn-based battles, where players have to solve puzzles in order to attack the enemies. The story revolves around Bum-Bo, who is actually a character that cannot be played in The Binding of Isaac. Bum-Bo wants to collect coins to buy items and find his lost child. Players will journey through different levels, confront enemies, and solve puzzles to progress the story. The game requires Android OS version 6.0 or above.

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Video Gameplay

Info Game
📃Title : The Legend of Bumbo
🎬Genre : Puzzle, Tunrbased
🎮Mode : Offline
🚻Multiplayer :-
⏱️Year : 2020
📱Platform : Android
📝Dev/Pub : Team17
💾Size : 260mb APK
⭐Rating :  3.8/ 5.0
🔖Store : Playstore (Paid Game)
OS : Android 6+ Up

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