Gangster Granny 3 Game Android Offline 300mb APK OBB MOD

Ini nih game TPS shooter yang keren banget! Beda banget dengan game sejenis lainnya yang biasanya karakternya kece-kece, di game ini lo player bakal mainin nenek-nenek yang asik abis. Si nenek ini emang gangster sejati, berani banget deh melawan penjahat dan kabur dari helikopter yang tinggi banget. Lucu banget deh, pas lagi aksi-aksi keren masih bisa sambil makian sama ejek-ejek musuhnya. Mainin game ini emang gampang dan seru, lo player cuma perlu nembakin musuh pake pistol sambil ngindar-in. Senjata unik yang unik-unik bakal lo dapetin seiring permainan berlanjut. Gue pas main juga dapet pistol yang pelurunya listrik, jadi pas tembak musuh, musuh di sekitarnya yang kesenggol bakal kejang-kejang kena setrum. Mungkin masih banyak senjata unik lainnya, sayangnya gue masih baru mainin dikit aja. Grafisnya game ini keren banget, ditambah lagi lokasinya yang luas banget buat dijelajahin. Bisa jadi nih bakal open world ya game ini ke depannya, tapi cuman tebak-tebakan aja sih. Ceritanya disampaikan kayak komik, setiap adegan di gambarin dengan jelas dan lucu banget. Padahal ceritanya seru banget, tapi soalnya yang protagonisnya nenek-nenek jadi bisa jadi malah bikin ngakak. Cerita di game ini seru banget, si nenek dientahin sama kakek-kakek penjahat dengan lengan robot, terus disuruh anak buahnya buat culik si nenek. Pas di helikopter, si nenek berhasil melawan penculiknya dan kabur dari situ. Dari situ lah petualangan si nenek dimulai. Dengan pistol kecil dia cari helikopter buat kabur dari kota kecil tempat dia mendarat. Sayangnya, anak buah musuhnya pada nungguin dan mencoba buat lumpuhin dia di sana.

/This is a really cool TPS shooter game! It's totally different from other similar games where usually the characters are cool, in this game you play as a super cool grandma. This grandma is a true gangster, she's really brave in fighting against criminals and escaping from a very high helicopter. It's really funny, when she's doing cool actions, she can still swear and mock her enemies. Playing this game is easy and fun, you just need to shoot the enemies with a pistol while dodging. You'll get unique and special weapons as the game progresses. When I played, I got a pistol with electric bullets, so when I shot the enemies, the ones around them would get electrocuted. Maybe there are still other unique weapons, but I only played a bit. The graphics of this game are really cool, and the vast locations are great to explore. This game might become open world in the future, but it's just a guess. The story is presented like a comic, each scene is depicted clearly and hilariously. Even though the story is exciting, the fact that the protagonist is a grandma makes it funny. The story in this game is really exciting, the grandma is kidnapped by evil grandpas with robot arms, and her henchmen are ordered to kidnap her. In the helicopter, the grandma manages to fight off her kidnappers and escape. And that's where the grandma's adventure begins. With her small pistol, she looks for a helicopter to escape from the small town where she landed. Unfortunately, the enemies' henchmen are waiting and trying to incapacitate her there.


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