Dentures and Demons visual novel Horror puzzle pixel Game Android Offline


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 Menceritakan beberapa kelompok anak kecil yang berpetualang dengan entah kenapa mereka bisa masuk ke rumah yang seram disanalah awal mula kejadian Horror. Beberapa temannya terpisah dan ada yg di kurung tugas player menyelamatkan dan mencari clue petunjuk di setiap tempat. unsur puzzle misal mencari kunci, memecahkan masalah, mencari barang" yang berguna, banyak teka teki yang cukup membingungkan juga.
Buat control dalam game cukup simpel Adanya virtual pad kiri dan kanan buat menggerakkan karakter selain bergenre Horror visual Novel Puzzle juga. size game 93mb apk only

Rating di Playstore yang sangat tinggi yakni 4.8 dari 5 walau game berbasis Pixel tentunya story yang bagus didalamnya Mimin sendiri menilai 8/10 kayanya memang pantas buat game yang berjudul Dentures and Demons

/Tells several groups of small children who are adventuring with some reason they can enter a scary house, which is where the Horror incident started. Some of his friends are separated and some are in the player brackets to save and look for clue clues in every place. puzzle elements for example looking for keys, solving problems, looking for useful items, many puzzles are quite confusing as well.

The controls in the game are quite simple. There are left and right virtual pads to move characters apart from the visual horror novel puzzle genre as well. game size 93mb apk only

The rating on the Playstore is very high, namely 4.8 out of 5, even though the Pixel-based game is of course a good story in it. Mimin thinks that 8/10 is indeed appropriate for a game called Dentures and Demons.

Info :
◾Title: Dentures and demons
◾Genre: Visual Novel, Horror, Puzzle.
◾Gameplay: 2D virtual pad
◾Year: 2019
◾Size full: 93mb
◾Region: Global.
◾Graphic quality: mHD (pixel)
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: ICS+
◾Rating Playstore: 4.8 from 5
◾Rating: 8/10.
◾Playstore : Yes (Free game)
◾Developer: Sui Arts

Video Gameplay

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