Alien Shooter Last Hope New Series Game Platform Android Mode Offline


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Series game baru dari Alien Shooter ini terdapat 10 misi story' dengan khas permainan Gameplay yang Epic pertempuran Alien awal mula biasanya musuh alien sedikit lama kelamaan hampir memenuhi layar yang harus kita kalahkan dengan berbagai senjata yang ampuh jika tidak kuat Cheat jalan terkahir..

Ini game masih tergolong baru rilis Akhir" Tahun kemarin Oktober 2020, tentang Story' dimana
Perang dengan invasi monster sedang berlangsung.
Pasukan Oposisi hampir kehabisan sumber daya.
Jumlah yang layak tempur menurun dalam setiap hari.
Salah satu laboratorium riset berhasil menciptakan senjata yang siap memperkuat Oposisi dan mengubah jalannya perang secara radikal ...
Player ditugaskan harus masuk ke pusat penelitian, menemukan senjata baru, dan berperang.

/This new game series from Alien Shooter has 10 story missions with typical gameplay. Epic gameplay. The initial alien battles are usually alien enemies that almost fill the screen, which we have to beat with a variety of powerful weapons if not strong.

This game is still classified as a new release at the end of last year's October 2020, about the Story 'where
The war with the monster invasion is ongoing.
The Opposition's forces were running low on resources.
The number of combat worthy drops in daily life.
One of the research laboratories succeeded in creating a weapon ready to strengthen the Opposition and radically change the course of war ...
Players are assigned to enter the research center, find new weapons, and fight.

Size game 95mb

Many weapons can use for Battle
Epic aliens invansion


◾ Title: Alien shooter last hope

◾Genre: Action, Shooter

◾Gameplay: 2D with virtual analog/pad

◾Year: 2020

◾Size: 95mb

◾Region: Global

◾Graphic quality: mHD 

◾Internet: OFFLINE

◾Multiplayer: -

◾Gamepad: -

◾Android: MM+

◾Rating: 8/10 

◾Rating Playstore: 4.7 From 5

◾Developer: Sigma Team

◾Playstore : Yes (Paid Game)

Video Gameplay

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