Kill it with fire new Simulation game Android 2021

Game baru yang awalnya rilis di PC kini sudah ada di Mobile platform Android tersedia free di Playstore dengan size 670mb dari TinyBuild developer yang sama dari game Hello neighbor yang sudah sukses rilis duluan

Kali ini Mimin share game yang buat santai tapi seru, tentang dimana berburu laba laba yang menggangu dalam rumah atau pekarangan, awalnya bermodalkan senjata yang tersedia , dilihat dari gameplay mirip PC nya menurut Mimin, dari grafis dengan Unreal Engine 4 Meski bertema Polygon mantap buat dimainkan rilis 4 Maret 2021

/The new game that was originally released on PC is now on the Android Mobile platform, available for free on the Playstore with a size of 670MB from the same TinyBuild developer from the Hello neighbor game that was successfully released first

This time Mimin shares a game that is relaxing but fun, about where to hunt for spiders that interfere with the house or yard, initially with the available weapons, seen from the PC-like gameplay according to Mimin, from the graphics with Unreal Engine 4 Although the Polygon theme is solid to play release March 4, 2021

Info :
◾Title: Kill it with fire
◾Genre: Simulation
◾Gameplay: 3D First Person + Virtual analog/pad
◾Year: 2021
◾Size full: 670mb+
◾Region: Global.
◾Graphic quality: HD (Polygon)
◾Internet: Offline
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: Oreo+
◾Rating Playstore: 3.6 from 5
◾Rating: 7/10
◾Playstore : Yes (Free Game)
◾Developer: TinyBuild

Video Gameplay

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