For those who are nostalgic for the N-Gage 2.0 game retro, Mimin has posted on this Mimin's blog, there is a tutorial on how to play on Android and the Mediafire link is okay, Mimin lists all the fun games "Nostalgic for the Nokia s60v3 era
/Buat yang nostalgia games Retro N-Gage 2.0 sudah Mimin Posting di Blog Mimin ini ada tutorial mainkan di Android dan Link Mediafire oke Mimin list kumpulan games semua seru" nostalgia jaman Nokia s60v3
Intermezzo discusses the difference between Launcher N-Gage 2.0
For Symbian HP which support Emulator N-GAGE v2.0 from
NOKIA, after Flashing the latest FW, the N-GAGE v2.0 emulator will follow, but the emulator is version 1.0, while the newest one is v1.40. what's the difference?
Version 1.0
No Video Opening, relatively faster to start.
The game installation process is relatively faster
The use of third-party fonts is neatly arranged on the emulator display
XPause during game installation, select (C) what (E)
TRIAL label (But don't worry, if the game is full, it can be played in full!)
Version 1.40
Automatically installs the game to a more spacious space
Support Third party Skins (Mod)
Achievement level display
XLonger time to start (Video Opening)
Third-party fonts are not neatly arranged
In the previous N82 v1.0, but I deleted & replaced v1.40 for N81 because for stability, in v1.0 it was quite fast in execution & friendly
/Intermezzo bahas perbedaan Launcher N-Gage 2.0
Untuk HP Symbian yang suppot Emulator N-GAGE v2.0 dari
NOKIA nya, after Flashing FW terbaru, emulator N-GAGE v2.0 akan ikut, namun emulator nya itu versi 1.0, sedangkan yang terbaru itu v1.40. apa perbedaan nya?
Versi 1.0
Tanpa Video Opening, relatif lebih cepat saat memulai.
Proses instalasi game relatif lebih cepat
Pemakaian font pihak ketiga tertata dengan rapih pada tampilan emulator
XJeda saat instalasi game, pilih (C) apa (E)
Lebel TRIAL (Namun tenang, yang memang game nya full maka dapat dimainkan Full!)
Versi 1.40
Otomatis memasang game ke ruang yang lebih lega
Support Skin pihak ketiga (Mod)
Tampilan level pencapaian
XLebih lama saat memulai (Video Opening)
Font pihak ketiga tak tertata rapih
Di N82 sebelumnya v1.0, namun saya hapus & ganti v1.40 untuk N81 karna untuk stabilitas, di v1.0 cukup cepat di eksekusi olehnya Emulator
EKA2L1 Emulator for Android Download
N-Gage 2.0 Launcher Game .sis
Example games N-Gage 2.0 Single Link
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Video Tutorial+Gameplay
Tutorial :
1. Download all file , Install EKA2L1.apk
Or Install in Playstore EKA2L12. Buka emulator
/Open emulator
3. tap atau klik tanda titik 3 di pojok kanan atas
/tap or click the dot 3 in the upper right corner
4. In Devices 5. masukan atau tambahkan klik file RPKG dan ROM tipe HP virtual misal decice 5320 link file download disediakan diawal page diatas
/Enter, click the RPKG file and ROM HP virtual type, for example, decice 5320, the download file link is provided at the beginning of the page above
Klik atau tap tombol RPKG masukan file device 5320.RPKG
/Click or tap the RPKG button to enter the 5PKG device file
/ Then enter / add the appropriate ROM as well as the 5320.ROM device file
Kemudian klik atau tap install tunggu sampai selesai
/Then click or tap install, wait for it to finish
Apabila sudah akan tampil devies seperti diatas
/If the devies will appear as above
6. lalu klik back atau kembali
/then click back or return
7. Lalu di Emulator klik atau tap tanda plus (+)
/Click or tap the plus sign (+), look for the .sis
8. Lalu tambahkan N-GAGE 2.0 installer launcher game yang mau di install cari file game. Sis , klik open add
/ Then add the installer launcher N-Gage 2.0 game want to install, look for the game .sis, in the download folder then tap or click
/Then exit Emulator then
Jangan lupa tambahkan game N-Gage 2.0 misal disini gamenya Worms World .ngage
/Don't forget to add the N-Gage 2.0 game, for example, the game Worms World .ngage
Ke folder Internal/EKA2L1/data/Drive/e/N-Gage/
Seperti gambar dibawah ini paste kan
/Go to the Internal/EKA2L1/data/Drive/e/N-Gage/ folder
Like the picture below, paste it, right?
10. Buka Emulator EKA2L1 lalu cari launcher Games N-Gage 2.0 click open Games
/Open the EKA2L1 Emulator then look for the Games N-Gage 2.0 launcher, click open Games
11. Tunggu otomatis install Games N-Gage 2.0
/Wait for the automatic install of Games N-Gage 2.0
12. sampai selesai jangan sampai gagal kalo gagal ulangi ke tahapan 10 sampai proses install game selesai seperti gambar dibawah ini
/sampai selesai jangan sampai gagal kalo gagal ulangi ke tahapan 10 sampai proses install game selesai seperti gambar dibawah ini
/Then select the game and play it enjoy click press the 5 button point the game you want to play on the N-Gage 2.0 launcher list
14. Enjoy playing N-GAGE 2.0 on Android With Emulator
Video Gameplay
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