Game N-GAGE 2.0 Kini Bisa Dimainkan di Android dengan Emulator EKA2L1 versi Terbaru ini 2021

Perkembangan update Emulator Symbian-Ngage EKA2L1 versi terbaru semakin banyak kemajuan sebelumnya game N-Gage 1.0 sudah bisa dijalankan dan game basis S60v1-V3 juga nah dimana Update versi baru sekarang sudah bisa install Launcher Game N-Gage 2.0 di Android dengan Emulator gamenya sudah tampil dan bebererapa sudah bisa dimainkan cuman masih dikit yaitu Game Mancing Cratures of the deep dan crash nitro kart bisa Sudah  dijalankan dengan beberapa file fix tambahan nanti Mimin bahas lagi kalo sudah 100% Playable game platform N-Gage 2.0

/The development of the latest version of the EKA2L1 Symbian-Ngage Emulator update is getting more progress before the N-Gage 1.0 game can be run and the S60v1-V3 base game is also now where the new version update can now install the N-Gage 2.0 Game Launcher on Android with the Emulator game already appearing and some can already be played, only a little, namely the Fishing Game Cratures of the deep and the nitro kart crash can already be run with some additional fix files later Mimin will discuss again when it's 100% Playable game platform Ngage 2.0

Fix Version Emulator + Games + Jamu" :

EKA2L1 Download


EKA2L1 Download

ROM & RPKG FILE Devices S60v3
     5320 ROM Download
     5320 RPKG Download

N-Gage 2.0 Launcher (5320) .sis Download

Config.yml Download

Games N-GAGE 2.0 Example
     Worms world Download

Tutorial :

1. Install emulator EKA2L1.apk

2. Buka emulator 
/Open emulator

3. tap atau klik tanda titik 3 di pojok kanan atas
/tap or click the dot 3 in the upper right corner
4. In Devices 

5. masukan atau tambahkan klik file RPKG dan ROM tipe HP virtual misal decice 5320 link file download disediakan diawal page diatas 
/Enter, click the RPKG file and ROM HP virtual type, for example, decice 5320, the download file link is provided at the beginning of the page above

Klik atau tap tombol RPKG masukan file device 5320.RPKG
/Click or tap the RPKG button to enter the 5PKG device file

Lalu masukan / tambahkan ROM yang sesuai juga file device 5320.ROM
/ Then enter / add the appropriate ROM as well as the 5320.ROM device file

 Kemudian klik atau tap install tunggu sampai selesai
/Then click or tap install, wait for it to finish

Apabila sudah akan tampil devies seperti diatas
/If the devies will appear as above

6. lalu klik back atau kembali
/then click back or return 

7. Lalu  di Emulator klik atau tap tanda plus (+)
/Click or tap the plus sign (+), look for the .sis

8. Lalu tambahkan N-GAGE 2.0 installer launcher game yang mau di install cari file game. Sis , klik open add
/ Then add the installer launcher N-Gage 2.0 game want to install, look for the game .sis, in the download folder then tap or click

9. Kemudian exit Emulator lalu tambahkan file tambahan config.yml copy kan

/Then exit Emulator then add additional file config.yml copy right

Ke folder Internal/EKA2L1/ 
Seperti letak folder gambar dibawah ini

/Go to Internal/EKA2L1/ folder
Like the location of the image folder below

10. Jangan lupa tambahkan game N-Gage 2.0 misal disini gamenya Worms World .ngage 
/Don't forget to add the N-Gage 2.0 game, for example, the game Worms World .ngage

Ke folder Internal/EKA2L1/data/Drive/e/N-Gage/
Seperti gambar dibawah ini paste kan

/Go to the Internal/EKA2L1/data/Drive/e/N-Gage/ folder
Like the picture below, paste it, right?

11. Buka Emulator EKA2L1 lalu cari launcher Games N-Gage 2.0 click open Games
/Open the EKA2L1 Emulator then look for the Games N-Gage 2.0 launcher, click open Games

12. Tunggu otomatis install Games N-Gage 2.0 
/Wait for the automatic install of Games N-Gage 2.0

13. sampai selesai jangan sampai gagal kalo gagal ulangi ke tahapan 10 sampai proses install game selesai seperti gambar dibawah ini
/sampai selesai jangan sampai gagal kalo gagal ulangi ke tahapan 10 sampai proses install game selesai seperti gambar dibawah ini

Lalu pilih gamenya dan Mainkan enjoy click tekan tombol 5 arahkan gamenya yang mau dimainkan di list launcher N-Gage 2.0
/Then select the game and play it enjoy click press the 5 button point the game you want to play on the N-Gage 2.0 launcher list

14. Enjoy playing N-GAGE 2.0 on Android With Emulator

Games N-GAGE 2.0 lainnya

Crash nitro kart example .n-gage Download
Space Download
Resident Evil Degeneration Download
Asphalt 3 Download
Block Breaker Download
Bloom blooxDownload
Bounce Download
Brother in arms Download
Hooked creatures Downloaud
Jade Stone Dirk Download
Mega Monsters Download
Metal gear Download
Pinball Download
Monopoly Download
Powerboat Download
Prince Download
Golf Download
Reset Generation Download
Star Wars Download
System rush Download

Video Tutorial+Gameplay

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Mohon kunjungi Link diatas Terima Kasih❗


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