The Latest Horror Game made by an Indonesian developer, which was just released in 2022, is relatively new and already on the Playstore, according to Mimin, a local indie game developer is the best at making Horror-themed games and of course it's quite scary to play, let alone play in the middle of the night :v
Repost from FB group:
"Permission to share Min
Excuse me, I want to share a game made by me and my friend, the game has been updated, this game has a horror theme, please support and share
Name of Game Namely: Inner Eyes.
Note For those of you who still find bugs, please report them, maybe in the future it will be updated again, it's still a new release
This game supports version 5.1 or more with OpenGL3.
Link: Playstore
Check Youtube: Lazysoft Studios
/Game Horror Terbaru Buatan developer asal Indonesia lagi yang baru rilis tahun 2022 tergolong baru dan sudah ada di Playstore memang sih menurut mimin developer game indie lokal paling jago bikin game" bertema Horror dan tentunya memang cukup seram buat dimainkan apalagi dimainkan saat tengah malam :v
Repost dari group FB :
"ljin Share Min
Permisi saya mau membagikan game buatan saya dan temen saya, gamenya sudah di update, game ini bertemakan horror, mohon support dan sharenya
Nama Game Yaitu: Mata Batin.
Catatan Bagi kalian masih menemukan bug harap lapor, mungkin kedepannya di-update lagi tergolong masih baru rilis
Game ini support untuk versi 5.1 atau lebih dengan OpenGl3.
Link: Playstore
Cek Yutub: Lazysoft Studios
In this game, you play as someone who is looking for help to fix a leaking motorbike, find a way or die.
In this game there is a very tense ghost where the ghost is a mother who was shot by a father and a mother has come back to life as a curious spirit to guard her house.
Here we are required to find a way out so that we survive the attack of a curious spirit, and in this game you also have to solve puzzles so you can get out of the room, always check everywhere so you find an item to open something. .
Do not get caught, if you are caught you will fail, as much as possible to run and hide in the room and close the door so that you avoid being chased by a curious spirit.
/Di game ini kalian berperan sebagai seseorang yang mencari bantuan untuk memperbaiki sepeda motornya yang bocor, cari jalan atau mati.
Di dalam game ini terdapat hantu yang sangat menegangkan dimana hantu tersebut ialah seorang ibu yang di tembak oleh seorang ayah dan seorang ibu pun hidup kembali menjadi arwah penasaran untuk menjaga rumahnya.
Di sini kita di haruskan untuk mencari jalan keluar agar kita selamat dari serangan sesosok arwah penasaran, dan di game ini kalian juga harus menyelesaikan Teka-teki agar kalian bisa keluar dari ruangan tersebut, selalu cek di setiap tempat agar kalian menemukan sebuah item untuk membuka sesuatu.
Jangan sampai kalian tertangkap, jika kalian tertangkap kalian akan gagal, sebisa mungkin untuk lari dan bersembunyi di dalam ruangan dan tutup pintu agar kalian terhindar dari kejaran sesosok arwah penasaran tersebut.
Info Game
Title : Mata batin
Year : 2022
Size : 86mb
Genre : Horror
Platform : Android
Mode : offline
Store : playstore (Free Game)
Dev/Pub : Lazysoft Studios
Rating : 4.2 / 5.0
Video Gameplay
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