Metal Slug 5 Arcade Mame4droid Version For Android Mobile Emulator Game 70mb

Metal slug 5 game rom Download

Emulator mame4droid


He yo sudah lama mimin gak main game retro emulator di Android kali ini Mimin main game Metal slug 5 final stage Musuhnya menggila Habisin coin / credit kurang lebih 50 coin, teringat jaman game dingdong dulu. ini versi arcade / mame mimin mainkan di Emulator mame4droid size game kecil 77mb .zip sangat nostalgia banget ini game dari Series Metal Slug selain Metal Slug x seru gamenya. pilihan senjata yang banyak dan unik serta mount tunggangan yang banyak dari robot, tank, pesawat dll membuat game ini semakin epic sekali. so buat kalian yang mau nyoba bisa download di link diatas sudah mimin sediakan.

/Hey, it's been a long time since Mimin didn't play the retro emulator game on Android, this time Mimin played the Metal slug 5 final stage game. The music is crazy. Spend about 50 coins / credits, playing in the old arcade game. this is the arcade/mame version, mimin plays on the mame4droid Emulator, the game size is small 77mb. zip is very nostalgic, this is a game from the Metal Slug Series besides Metal Slug x, the game is fun. many and unique weapons and a lot of mounts of robots, tanks, planes etc. make this game a more epic choice. so for those of you who want to try it, you can download it at the link above, I have provided it.

Tutorial : 

1. Download file Rom 

2. Copy atau salin file Rom game ke folder penyimpanan Rom mame4droid kalian Mimin letaknya di sdcard/mame4droid/Rom
(Letak Rom game bebas sesuai pilihan pas kita install awal emulator mame4droid nya)

/Copy or copy the game Rom file to your mame4droid Rom storage folder Mimin is located on sdcard/mame4droid/Rom
(Locate the free game Rom according to the choice when we first install the Mame4droid emulator)

3. open aplikasi mame4droid

(Contoh beberapa game Rom yang telah tampil jika sudah tepat meletakan file game Rom mame4droid nya)

/(Examples of some Rom games that have appeared if it is right to place the Mame4droid Rom game file)

4. Lalu klik atau mulai dengan menekan tombol button B

/Then click or start by pressing the button B

5. Mulai gerakan analog kiri kanan dan enjoy kalian bisa memainkan game arcade mame4droid emulator

/Start left and right analog movement and enjoy you can play the arcade game mame4droid emulator

Video Gameplay

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