Kingdom Two Crowns 🎬Genre : Simulation 🎮Mode : Offline 🚻Multiplayer : -

Game pixel tema kerajaan membangun suatu kehidupan peradaban nya. yang rilis tahun 2020 di Playstore seru new updated 

The royal theme pixel game builds a civilization life. which was released in 2020 on the Playstore is exciting, new updated

The latest version comes with easier gameplay. Only this time my empire has grown so vast and long lived. Coins are also much easier to find, apart from people carrying donkeys. Now the soldiers are also actively looking for coins.
They get it by hunting animals around the kingdom. Until coins are collected very quickly, once it doesn't even fit in his pocket. The latest version makes us the king of the riches. But for me the gameplay becomes more addictive.
Another series from the game Kingdom of New Lands that I once shared here. Has identical gameplay and almost the same graphics, namely pixels. Who ever played the game Kingdom of
New Lands definitely knows how exciting the gameplay is.
The gameplay is quite long, and the progges are increasingly challenging. Simply put, in this game, we will play a king who
build his empire from scratch, expand it and as much as possible

defend it.
This game is not as easy as it looks. The longer the progress goes on, the more enemies will attack and loot. be careful, because when they plunder our crown, the game will end alias
Game Over. Management is needed in this game. Setting the proper use of coins will make the development in our empire effective, especially in the fields
defense. Proper management of each unit is needed.
Each unit has its own contribution.
The workers will build various infrastructures. Lack of power from them
will make development and repair run slowly. Soldiers will provide security if bandits attack.
Sometimes in certain seasons they will hunt animals and provide coin input for us. Then there are the farmers, they will
provide coin income during the harvest season. It's great game.


Video Gameplay

Info Game
📃Title : Kingdom Two Crowns
🎬Genre : Simulation
🎮Mode : Offline
🚻Multiplayer : -
⏱️Year : 2020
📱Platform : Android
📝Dev/Pub : Raw Fury
💾Size : 800mb+
⭐Rating :  4.0 / 5.0
🔖Store : Playstore, (Paid Game)
OS : Android 6+ Up

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