The Greedy Cave 80mb Game Android offline RPG

Jadi, secara keseluruhan, gua ini bener-bener seru abis deh! Susah banget, apalagi pas lagi jalan-jalan di ruangan yang lebih gelap. Lawan monster dan manajemen sumber daya jadi seru banget. Dan grafiknya kaya Don't Starve, bikin beda deh.

Tapi satu hal yang bisa ditingkatin sih, ceritanya kurang nendang. Meskipun tujuan utamanya cuma jalan-jalan di gua dan dapetin harta karun, bisa lebih dikembangin lagi tuh plot sama hubungan emosional sama karakter kita. Biar jadi lebih ngena gitu.

Secara keseluruhan, kalo lo lagi nyari game RPG dengan elemen bertahan hidup, mungkin game ini cocok buat lo. Tapi kalo lo lebih suka cerita yang kompleks dan dalam, game ini mungkin belum banget nyampein ekspektasi lo. Aku pribadi bakal rekomendasiin game ini buat orang-orang yang suka petualangan dengan pedang dan suka tantangan hadepin monster sama jebakan di gua.

/So, overall, this cave is really, really fun! It's really difficult, especially when I'm walking around in a darker room. Fighting monsters and resource management becomes really fun. And the graphics are like Don't Starve, which makes it different.

But one thing that could be improved is that the story doesn't kick enough. Even though the main goal is just to walk in the cave and get treasure, the plot can be further developed and the emotional connection with our characters. So that it becomes more interesting like that.

Overall, if you are looking for an RPG game with survival elements, maybe this game is right for you. But if you prefer complex and deep stories, this game may not really meet your expectations. I personally would recommend this game for people who like adventures with swords and like the challenge of facing monsters and traps in caves.

OS Android: Android OS 2.3+


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