Grid Autosport Game Android Offline Balapan HD Ultra 3gb APK OBB

GRID Autosport adalah game balap yang keren banget, bro! Dikembangkan sama Codemasters, game ini keluar tahun 2014 untuk PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, dan PC. Sekarang udah rilis juga buat mobile, termasuk android. Di game ini, kamu bisa balapan mobil dengan berbagai macam kendaraan dan lintasan. Ada banyak jenis balapan yang bisa dimainin, kaya Touring Cars, Endurance, Open-Wheel, Street Racing, dll. Tiap balapan punya gaya sendiri dan strategi yang beda-beda, jadi seru banget! Ada juga berbagai macam mobil dari kelas berbeda, mulai dari mobil sport, mobil balap touring, sampe mobil Formula. Kamu bisa join tim balap yang berbeda dan ngembangin karir balap kamu. Grafisnya keren banget, detail kendaraannya tinggi, lintasannya realistis, dan efek cuacanya seru. Dijamin bakal bikin pengalaman balap kamu jadi lebih intens! Kamu juga bisa custom mobil sesuai keinginan, mulai dari tuning performa, penyesuaian visual, sampe upgrade bagian mobil buat nambahin kinerja. GRID Autosport punya career mode yang mendalam, di mana kamu bisa bangun reputasi sebagai pembalap pro. Ada banyak tantangan seru, kayak mencapai target sponsor, menangin kejuaraan, dan dapetin prestasi. Ada juga mode multiplayer online buat berkompetisi sama pemain lain dari seluruh dunia. Pastinya gameplaynya jadi makin seru dan kompetitif!

/GRID Autosport is a really cool racing game, bro! Developed by Codemasters, this game was released in 2014 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. It has now been released for mobile, including android. In this game, you can race cars on various vehicles and tracks. There are many types of races you can play, such as Touring Cars, Endurance, Open-Wheel, Street Racing, etc. Each race has its own style and different strategies, so it's really exciting! There are also various cars from different classes, ranging from sports cars, touring race cars, to Formula cars. You can join different racing teams and develop your racing career. The graphics are really cool, with high detailed vehicles, realistic tracks, and exciting weather effects. It will definitely make your racing experience more intense! You can also customize your car according to your preferences, from performance tuning, visual adjustments, to upgrading car parts to increase performance. GRID Autosport has a deep career mode, where you can build a reputation as a pro racer. There are many exciting challenges, like reaching sponsor targets, winning championships, and achieving accomplishments. There is also an online multiplayer mode to compete with players from all over the world. Definitely, the gameplay becomes more exciting and competitive!

Selain balapan mobil reguler ada banyak mode balapan dalam game Grid Autosport yaitu salah satunya balapan kelas formula, oh iya buat yang mau nyoba versi free nya sudah rilis yang versi online multiplayer hanya saja game harus online berbeda yang versi Grid premiumnya yang full Offline.

/In addition to regular car racing, there are many racing modes in the Grid Autosport game, one of which is formula class racing, oh yes, for those who want to try the free version, the online multiplayer version has been released, it's just that the game has to be different online, the premium Grid version is full offline.

Akhirnya 26-nov-2019 Rilis juga game balapan Grid tentunya Offline dengan size 4gb apk+obb paid game dengan catatan perlu spek / Spesifikasi HP yang High end atau tinggi misal Sony XZ1, HTC U11, Samsung S8, Pixel 2, Xiaomi Pocophone dll notabene sekelas chipset Snapdragon 835+ keatas..cek lengkap gambar dibawah / di akhir page buat support atau tidak di HP kalian dan cek juga di Playstore jika ada otw download :D

/Finally, on 26-Nov-2019, the Grid racing game was also released, of course Offline with a size of 4gb apk + obb paid game with a note that it requires high-end or high HP specs / specifications, for example Sony XZ1, HTC U11, Samsung S8, Pixel 2, Xiaomi Pocophone etc. Incidentally in the same class as the Snapdragon 835+ chipset and above... check the full image below / at the end of the page for support or not on your cellphone and also check on Playstore if there is an otw download :D

Playstore Link  Download

Free version online Download

Passwordnya cek gambar dibawah ini :

Cara install :

Untuk sekarang install via Playstore di Hp kalian masing" link diatas disediakan langsung / Install APK OBB Secara manual

/How to install:

For now, install via Playstore on your respective cellphones, the link above is provided directly

Spec Minimal 
Android OS : PIE
Chipset : Snapdragon 835+

 Banyak track in game
 Grafik mantap gila HDR realistis
 Terdapat Mode malam siang
 Career progress tercatat disini
 Mode first person
 Beragam sponsor
 Terdapat mobil / mode kelas F1
 Balapan seru
Cek spesifikasi Hp yang bisa jalan / work memerlukan High end chipset SD835+ lihat gambar diatas.

Video Gameplay

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