DUNGE Dungeon Unique Nightmare New Android Game Pixel Dot in 2021Offline

Bahas game offline baru di tahun 2021 size kecil dan sangat unik. grafis Dot Pixel / ASCII Art yg sangat unik dari game roguelike tahun 1980 an yg sekarang jadi 3D. 

Keren nya developer nya masih mempertahankan grafis ASCII ini, yg membuat game nya terasi klasik & unik.
*ASCII Graphics/ ASCII Art sendiri artinya seni / karya yg berupa kumpulan titik dot pixel & garis yg membentuk suatu objek visual dg berbagai bentuk seperti hewan, manusia, atau objek lain.

Merupakan game action penjelajahan dungeon escape yg mengharuskan karakter utama menemukan beberapa kunci, peti, senjata, dan item ramuan yg tersebar secara acak dan bertahan hidup dari serangan monster, skeleton, dll. Untuk bisa menemukan jalan keluar.
Game ini masih tahap Demo dan bisa didownload secara gratis diplay store.

/Discuss new offline games in 2021, small in size and very unique. Very unique Dot Pixel / ASCII Art graphics from the 1980s roguelike games now in 3D.

It's cool that the developer still maintains the ASCII graphics, which makes the game classic and unique.
* ASCII Graphics / ASCII Art itself means art / work in the form of a collection of pixel dots and lines that form a visual object with various forms such as animals, humans, or other objects.

It is an action dungeon escape adventure game where the main character needs to find several randomly scattered keys, chests, weapons, and potion items and survive attacks from monsters, skeletons, etc. To be able to find a way out.
This game is still in the demo stage and can be downloaded for free on the play store.

Title: DUNGE Dungeon Unique Nightmare
Mode: Offline
Size: 35 mb
Versi: 1.3.4 (latest version)
Genre : Adventure
Requirement : Android 5.0 and up
Playstore : Yes (Free Game)
Year : 2021

Video Gameplay

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