Game keren yang lagi happening banget di grup facebook yang gue follow. Udah berusaha download dari berbagai sumber tapi cuma ngerasain Pink Screen terus. Mencari-cari apk yang bisa dimainin di semua GPU buat player non root tapi kayaknya harus nyerah deh, terpaksa gue share game ini yang kemungkinan bakal Pink Screen di beberapa HP. Tapi no worries, semua bisa dihandle kalo player udah install APK ini Tanpa ROOT Dan tanpa GLTools sudah All support GPU Terbaru OS Android, nanti gue bahas di ujung postingan ini. Di game ini, lo bakal jadi John "Loose" Kannon, ketua tim kepolisian hardcore yang ga takut buat bawa keadilan di jalanan. Tapi suatu hal besar terjadi pas tim Kannon membunuh bos geng narkoba setempat dan nyolong jutaan duit sekaligus. Hal ini bikin tim Kannon jadi sasaran semua gangster di kota. Kannon cuma punya satu pilihan, yaitu tangkep bos geng yang ngejar timnya, legal atau enggak, sebelum mereka yang tangkep duluan. Game dengan aksi luar biasa Bikin player ketagihan mainin mode gameplay 3rd person shooting, bisa loncat sambil nembak musuh dengan gerakan keren. Game dengan simulasi kerusakan beneran, tergantung tindakan player di dalam game. Semua dalam sehari kerja Para gangster serius banget dengan aksinya. Jadi persenjatai diri lu dengan berbagai macam senjata. Mulai dari Pistol, Shotgun, peluncur granat, dan lainnya. Siap-siap buat berantem sama kriminal di lokasi yang beda-beda, kayak Night Club, kantor polisi, kawasan industri, dan Meksiko. Tangkep bos geng dan informannya hidup-hidup. Kejar terus sampe bisa mereka dan interogasi mereka.
/Cool game that is currently trending in the Facebook group I follow. I tried downloading it from various sources but only experienced a Pink Screen. I searched for an apk that could be played on all GPUs for non-root players but it seems like I have to give up, so I have to share this game that may have Pink Screen on some phones. But no worries, everything can be handled if players have installed this APK Without ROOT And without GLTools already supporting all the latest GPUs for the Android OS, I will discuss this at the end of this post. In this game, you will play as John "Loose" Kannon, the leader of a hardcore police team who is not afraid to bring justice to the streets. But something big happens when Kannon's team kills the local drug gang boss and steals millions of dollars at the same time. This makes Kannon's team a target of all the gangsters in the city. Kannon only has one choice, which is to capture the gang boss chasing his team, legally or not, before they are caught first. The game features extraordinary action that will make players addicted to playing in 3rd person shooting gameplay mode, jumping while shooting enemies with cool moves. The game has a real damage simulation, depending on the player's actions in the game. All in a day's work The gangsters are serious about their actions. So arm yourself with various weapons. Starting from a Pistol, Shotgun, grenade launcher, and more. Get ready to fight criminals in different locations, like Nightclubs, police stations, industrial areas, and Mexico. Capture the gang boss and their informants alive. Chase them until you can catch and interrogate them.
Video Gameplay
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