Almora Darkosen Game Android Offline RPG 60mb APK


Looking for offline games?, RPG, open world, long story, small size, good graphics, supports potato cellphones? all that is in this game, the name:
Almora Darkosen".

-full size only 78mb
-wide map
-Very realistic graphics.

just look at the trees, rocks, etc. 100% "PLAY TO WIN".
This game doesn't have the concept of "pay to win" because it doesn't feature top up diamonds and the like.
at least just buy a "premium account". That's just to remove ads, open certain features that don't affect gameplay, and get a "permanent premium key" to open a "premium box.

But don't worry, once again I say this game is not pay to win. even if you don't buy a premium account, you can still get a premium key for free from treasure boxes that can be opened using a normal key, even though this free premium key is only one-time use (not permanent, it will disappear if you use it to open a premium box), but you can still find something else
the drawback of this game is the camera angle from above is really like that. The first time I played, I felt a little strange, but after a while I got used to it.

/Nyari game offline?, rpg, open world, story panjang, size kecil, grafis mantep, support hp kentang? semua itu ada dalam game ini, namanya:
Almora Darkosen".

-full size cuma 78 mb
-map luas 
-grafis sangat realistis. 

nih liat aja tuh pohon, batu, dll 100% "PLAY TO WIN". 
game ini gada konsep "pay to win" karena gada fitur top up diamond dan sejenisnya.
paling adanya cuma beli "akun premium" doang. Itupun cuma buat ngehilangin iklan, buka fitur tertentu yg ga berpengaruh untuk gameplay, dan dapet "permanent premium key" buat buka "kotak premium.

Tapi tenang aja, sekali lagi gw bilang game ini bukan pay to win. meskipun ga beli akun premium, lu tetep bisa dapetin premium key secara gratis dari kotak-kotak harta karun yg bisa dibuka pake kunci normal, walaupun premium key gratis ini cuma sekali pakai (ga permanent, bakal ilang klo udh dipake buat buka kotak premium), tapi masih bisa nyari yg lain lagi kok
kekurangan dari game ini adalah sudut pandang kameranya dari atas banget gitu. pas pertama kali maen, gw agak ngerasa aneh dikit, tapi lama-lama terbiasa juga.

Video Gameplay

Info Game
📃Title : Almora Darkosen
🎬Genre : RPG, Action
🎮Mode : Offline
🚻Multiplayer : -
⏱️Year : 2014
📱Platform : Android
📝Dev/Pub  : Gear-Studio
💾Size : 60mb+
⭐Rating :  4.9 / 5.0
🔖Store : Playstore, (Free Game)
OS : Android 4.4+ Up

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